Anybody have time to create a new port?

Christopher Nehren apeiron+usenet at
Tue May 31 10:36:50 PDT 2005

Hash: SHA1

On 2005-05-31, Steve Friedrich scribbled these
curious markings:
[Please wrap your lines at 72 characters. I've rewrapped them for you.]

> If I had the experience of creating a port, a TV card, and a job (in
> this industry that won't hire me with 28 yrs experience, but clamors
> for H-1B visas), this is the app I'd like to port.

Good luck. The MythTV authors have written some of the most
Linux-specific software I've ever seen. To paraphrase Adam Weinberger on
this list and myself in many conversations, many Linux developers are in
the mindset that nothing aside from Linux exists or indeed is even
worthy of consideration.

The aforementioned usage of v4l is the most obvious consideration; the
configuration system outright assumes that you're running Linux and
straight out won't build otherwise (which is rather foolish, because
Linux-only programs have been ported to FreeBSD before, such as
Valgrind, DBUS, and Mono to an extent). I imagine that there's many
other Lunixisms that you'll have to solve, like using alloca.h and
procfs (this is why POSIX is important, boys and girls!).

You may actually have better luck porting v4l.

Best Regards,
Christopher Nehren
Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (FreeBSD)


I abhor a system designed for the "user", if that word is a coded
pejorative meaning "stupid and unsophisticated". -- Ken Thompson
If you ask the wrong people questions, you get "Joel on Software".
Unix is user friendly. However, it isn't idiot friendly.

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