openoffice-1.1 fails to build after Gnome upgrade

Christopher Kelley bsd at
Mon Mar 14 21:43:31 PST 2005

>>Op ma, 14-03-2005 te 08:03 -0800, schreef Christopher Kelley:
>>>After running the script, I can't get openoffice-1.1 to 
>>To be honest this has almost nothing to do with the gnome upgrade.
>>The bug here is in the mozilla part of the OpenOffice port. The gnome
>>update only exposed it. The mozilla part needs to be patched to build
>>with the new freetype2 thats lives in the ports.
> Quake Lee wrote:
>But after I upgraded freetype2 and mozilla 1.7.5. The openoffice still build

Right, because mozilla hasn't yet been patched for the new version of
freetype2 that is in the ports tree. Upgrading mozilla doesn't help
because the patch to make it work with the new freetype2 hasn't been
committed to the ports tree yet.

I found after I had posted my question that there is actually a
discussion of this issue on the freebsd-openoffice mailing list. So now
I'm subscribed to that list as well. I do hope this isn't a trend
towards every port having it's own mailing list though.

For now, to build openoffice-1.1, you have to 'make -DWITHOUT_MOZILLA
install clean' for it to work. Since I'm not a programmer, I can't offer
you much help beyond that.


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