gcc34 missing gcj?

Steve Watt steve at Watt.COM
Thu Jul 21 23:21:14 GMT 2005

On Jul 22,  0:04, Pav Lucistnik wrote:
} Steve Watt p=ED=B9e v =E8t 21. 07. 2005 v 14:45 -0700:
} > I installed the gcc34 port today expecting to get a copy of gcj34.  However,

[ snip ]

} > But that disagrees with pkg-descr:
} > } GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection includes gcc, g++, gcj, and g77.
} > }
} > } This port installs the various front ends as gcc34, g++34, gcj34,
} > } and g77-34 into the ${PREFIX}/bin directory.
} >
} > Can anybody spare some clues?
} gcj was axed from gcc34 port recently. please use gcc40 or gcc41 instead

Thanks for that.  The pkg-descr should probably say something to that

So the next place is print/pdftk, which tries to install gcc34 to get gjc34...
pehaps the obvious hack on the port Makefile will do the right thing.

Steve Watt KD6GGD  PP-ASEL-IA          ICBM: 121W 56' 57.8" / 37N 20' 14.9"
 Internet: steve @ Watt.COM                         Whois: SW32
   Free time?  There's no such thing.  It just comes in varying prices...

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