FreeBSD Port: mwavem-fbsd-1.2_2

Kevin Oberman oberman at
Fri Jan 28 08:37:21 PST 2005

> Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2005 21:17:03 -0800
> From: Rob Saecker <rsaecker at>
> Kevin,
> I'm trying to get the mwavem driver installed on an old Thinkpad 
> running 5.3, but I'm getting a "Marked as broken" error. I see it 
> listed as available for 5.3 on the website, unless I'm not 
> understanding the listings. Can you clarify? Thanks.

I'm afraid that mwavem is only available for V4. I no longer use my old
600E, so I no longer have a system to do the work nor a lot of time to
work on it. To make it worse, drivers have to be significantly modified
to handle the transition from V4 to V5, especially to deal with devfs.

The modifications are usually pretty cookie cutter, but they do take a
while and I have only had one person ask about them for V5 to this
point. (You make number 2.)

I'm surprised to see that something on the web pages the implies that it
is available for V5. Could you supply the URL of the link so that it can
be fixed?  And, if you have some time, you could always update the
driver for V5. :-)
R. Kevin Oberman, Network Engineer
Energy Sciences Network (ESnet)
Ernest O. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab)
E-mail: oberman at			Phone: +1 510 486-8634

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