Non-root port/package installs

Ade Lovett ade at
Tue Feb 8 13:51:41 PST 2005

Michael C. Shultz wrote:
> If a port is prefix compliant and the prefix is set to the user's home
> directory then lowered privileges may be waranted, otherwise only
> root should be installing and removing ports IMHO.

Conceptually, yes.  The point of the followup is that it would probably 
make more sense to have package building clusters run as a 
non-privileged user.

This would then show up ALL ports that need such modification for 
pre-install/pre-su-install and post-install/post-su-install, and fixes 
could be done tree-wide, rather than going on a piecemeal basis which is 
likely to take considerably longer, and require considerably more effort.


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