squid, samba startup scripts fail to run from base system rcorder

Doug Barton dougb at FreeBSD.org
Fri Dec 30 18:03:57 PST 2005

Derkjan de Haan wrote:

> I just tried that, and rcorder dumps core at boot and shutdown time:
> pid 125 (rcorder), uid 0: exited on signal 6 (core dumped)
> Abort trap (core dumped)
> It looks like it fails on the first service it tries to start

rcorder doesn't start services, all it does is give you a list. Can you
please try to reproduce the crash ('rcorder -s nostart /etc/rc.d/*' should
be enough) with a debugging enabled rcorder, backtrace the core dump, and
send the info to the freebsd-rc at freebsd.org list? I obviously can't
reproduce that problem, or I wouldn't have MFC'ed the new code.




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