Need testers: modifying ports so dependencies are automatically updated at make install time

Parv parv at
Fri Dec 30 12:22:29 PST 2005

in message <200512301209.37040.ringworm01 at>,
wrote Michael C. Shultz thusly...
> I put together a PR that modifies a port so that when:
> make  or make install
> is run, if any of the ports dependencies are out of date they are
> updated first before installing the port.

That would be a worse position if i happened to have a slightly
older version of a dependency port (but new version exists in the
ports tree) which would work just fine for the port needing that
particular dependency port.  pkg_add already suffers due to a
similar problem; i would like the ports not being infected too.

> Another benefit is less drive space is used because after each
> dependency is built and installed it is cleaned

There should be some mechanism to disable cleaning.

  - Parv



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