[PATCH] /etc/rc: WARNING: $compat5x_enable is not set properly - see rc.conf(5).

Doug Barton dougb at FreeBSD.org
Mon Dec 26 17:37:52 PST 2005

Andre Guibert de Bruet wrote:

> Though I appreciate the modularity, I don't understand the need for the 
> knob in this port.

I am thinking that my message which answered this question crossed yours in 
the mail.

Work is currently being done, and I expect will pick up again now that 
Christmas is over, on a way to make all such scripts which do nothing but 
ldconfig certain directories obsolete. If you're interested, I commend you 
to the freebsd-rc list archives.

It is also worth noting that at some point in the future, when all scripts 
which start services have been converted to the new rc.d format, it will be 
second nature for users to consider adding the appropriate _enable line in 
/etc/rc.conf.local. There will be some time between now and then where we 
will need to educate our user base on this change, but that is a cost we 
have to bear in order to facilitate both the complete transition to rc.d, 
and incorporating the local startup scripts into the overall rcorder.




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