Needed: compat5x package

Hiroki Sato hrs at
Fri Aug 19 21:09:28 GMT 2005

Dejan Lesjak <dejan.lesjak at> wrote
  in <200508192250.46012.dejan.lesjak at>:

de> One thing to consider is how to get these libraries. If they are taken from
de> 5.4 release tarballs then there is problem with locale above and at least
de> problem with libz and FreeBSD-SA-05:18.zlib vulnerability. One possible thing
de> to do is to build RELENG_5_4 with the change to paths.h above and take
de> libraries from there and generate tarballs (which is what I did for this
de> sample except I took RELENG_5). If that makes sense I can do it for alpha,
de> amd64, i386 and sparc64.

 True.  These libraries have to be built with vulnerability fixes.
 I took them from 5.4-RELEASE as you pointed out.  Building from
 the RELENG_5_4 source looks reasonable to me.

 I am wondering if misc/localedata can be used---were the LC_* files
 architecture dependent at that time?  I thought this incompatibility
 was needed to making them architecture independent.
 Do I misunderstand?

| Hiroki SATO
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