
Jamie Bowden ragnar at
Sat Oct 16 18:32:55 PDT 2004

===> Building Chrome's registry...

Running make install does not complete.  Ever.  It gets stuck right there.
Every.  Time.

Can someone suggest something?  I can't use FreeBSD as a desktop without a
working web browser.  When it does this, regxpcom cannot be killed.
Running shutdown/halt/reboot all result in a warning about unkillable

I'm more than happy to try things to diagnose this, but I need a
direction.  Please keep me CC'd as I am not subscribed to ports at .

%uname -a
FreeBSD yakko 5.3-BETA7 FreeBSD 5.3-BETA7 #0: Sat Oct 16 11:40:06 EDT 2004
jamie at yakko:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/yakko  i386

Jamie Bowden

"It was half way to Rivendell when the drugs began to take hold"
Hunter S Tolkien "Fear and Loathing in Barad Dur"
Iain Bowen <alaric at>

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