alternative options for ports

Parv parv at
Fri Oct 15 16:21:07 PDT 2004

in message <416E891E.8070003 at>,
wrote Frank Laszlo thusly...
> I know a lot of users feel intimidated by the Makefile's in ports,
> and would not dare open one up in an editor. Even if they did,
> they wouldnt understand it fully.

I personally mostly disagree.

> so what if the ports had a target that listed possible options
> within the Makefile, and what exactly they did.

...and actually used that file, see proposal below, to set the
appropriate knobs.  Comments would be used as they are currently in
Makefile, perl programs, and shell scripts.

> Maybe this would require another file in the ports, like
> 'pkg-options' It would be formated something like this
> WITH_SOMEFEATURE            Add so and so feature to the package.
> WITH_SOMETHINGELSE         This will create something here.

> That way a user could just type something like 'make listoptions'
> and it will give a nice list of build options for a specific port.

...or provide the opportunity to edit the options file -- instead of
the Makefile in which knobs can be almost anywhere -- to indicate
the desired options.

> Anyone have any feedback on this?

I like it.

  - Parv


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