alternative options for ports

Sergei Kolobov sergei at
Thu Oct 14 07:36:57 PDT 2004

On 2004-10-14 at 10:11 -0400, Frank Laszlo wrote:
> I just had a thought about this whole thing. I know a lot of users
> feel intimidated by the Makefile's in ports, and would not dare open
> one up in an editor. Even if they did, they wouldnt understand it
> fully. so what if the ports had a target that listed possible options
> within the Makefile, and what exactly they did. Maybe this would
> require another file in the ports, like 'pkg-options' It would be
> formated something like this
> WITH_SOMEFEATURE            Add so and so feature to the package.
> WITH_SOMETHINGELSE         This will create something here.
> That way a user could just type something like 'make listoptions' and
> it will give a nice list of build options for a specific port. Anyone
> have any feedback on this?

Do you mean:

% make showconfig

(for the ports supporting OPTIONS)


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