Bootstrap Port

Glenn Sieb ges at
Wed Oct 6 11:29:38 PDT 2004

Apologies to Christian--I thought I'd bring this back onlist, since 
others may have better suggestions...


Christian Jensen said the following on 10/6/2004 2:23 PM:

>I saw and am running the 'instant-server' but it does not seem to give
>options as to what to install. I started right away with "postfix" and
>is working on DHCP right now. It would be nice to have an overview
>install screen to allow me to choose.
>Does the "workstation" one do portupgrade or anything? 
I'd use them as a starting point to creating your own custom port!

Look at the Makefile:

RUN_DEPENDS=    acroread:${PORTSDIR}/print/acroread5 \
                bash:${PORTSDIR}/shells/bash2 \
                cdrecord:${PORTSDIR}/sysutils/cdrtools \
                dos2unix:${PORTSDIR}/converters/unix2dos \
                emacs:${PORTSDIR}/editors/emacs20 \
                fetchmail:${PORTSDIR}/mail/fetchmail \
                grip:${PORTSDIR}/audio/grip \
                gimp:${PORTSDIR}/graphics/gimp1 \
                gv:${PORTSDIR}/print/gv \
                gpg:${PORTSDIR}/security/gnupg \
                ispell:${PORTSDIR}/textproc/ispell \
                startkde:${PORTSDIR}/x11/kde3 \
                mutt:${PORTSDIR}/mail/mutt \
                mozilla:${PORTSDIR}/www/mozilla \
                ${LOCALBASE}/sbin/postfix:${PORTSDIR}/mail/postfix \
                xtset:${PORTSDIR}/x11/xtset \
                xmms:${PORTSDIR}/multimedia/xmms \

See how that works? You want bash? Then have it depend upon a file, in 
this case, bash, and if it doesn't find it (after the :) put the portdir 
where bash lives...

So if I wanted to install, say, postfix, I'd put this in:

${LOCALBASE}/sbin/postfix:${PORTSDIR}/mail/postfix \ (the \ 
indicates--this line continues to the next line..)

If I wanted amavisd-new:

${LOCALBASE}/sbin/amavisd:${PORTSDIR}/security/amavisd-new \


Have fun!!!!

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary 
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." 
          ~Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759

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