FreeBSD Port: isc-dhcp3-server-3.0.1.r14

Cyrille Lefevre clefevre-lists at
Tue Jun 29 06:57:59 PDT 2004

"David Du SERRE-TELMON" <dduserretelmon at> wrote:
> I've noticed some problems with new port isc-dhcp3-server-3.0.1.r14,1 
> and chuser option.
> - When chuser option is enable, pid file is write in /var/run/dhcpd/ 
> folder. But this folder seem not belong to dhcp user by default, and 
> dhcpd can't write the pid file inside.
> - The file is create in root. After dhcpd loose his root 
> privileges, it can't offer new address because it can't write into 
> dhcpd.leases file.

are you running -stable (4.x) or -current (5.x) ?

    uname -a

do you still have any /usr/local/etc/rc.isc-*.conf files ?
if any, what are their contents ?

    grep -s dhcpd_ /usr/local/etc/rc.isc-*.conf

do you have a dhcpd user and group ? if not, try the following
command :

    /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ install

what values have your dhcpd_* variables in /etc/rc.conf (or
/etc/rc.conf.d/dhcpd) if any ?

    grep -s dhcpd_ /etc/rc.conf /etc/rc.conf.d/dhcpd

in the mean time, you may try :

/usr/local/etc/rc.d/ stop
ps -axo pid,comm | awk '/dhcpd/{print $1}' | xargs kill
sleep 1
ps -axo pid,comm | awk '/dhcpd/{print $1}' | xargs kill -9
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/ uninstall
(clean up what was not cleaned, aka dhcpd.leases)
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/ start

if that not work, could you send me the results of the
following commands ?

pw show user dhcpd
pw show group dhcpd
grep -s dhcpd_ /etc/rc.conf /etc/rc.conf.d/dhcpd
ls -ld /usr/local/etc/rc.isc-*.conf

/usr/local/etc/rc.d/ stop
ps -axo pid,comm | awk '/dhcpd/{print $1}' | xargs kill
sleep 1
ps -axo pid,comm | awk '/dhcpd/{print $1}' | xargs kill -9
for file in /var/run/dhcpd* /var/db/dhcpd*
do mv $file $file-; done
mkdir /tmp/dhcpd; mv /*dhcpd* /tmp/dhcpd
sh -x /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ start
ls -la /var/run/dhcpd* /var/db/dhcpd* /*dhcpd*
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/ stop
ps -axo pid,comm | awk '/dhcpd/{print $1}' | xargs kill
sleep 1
ps -axo pid,comm | awk '/dhcpd/{print $1}' | xargs kill -9
for file in /var/run/dhcpd*- /var/db/dhcpd*-
do mv $file ${file%-}; done
mv /tmp/dhcpd/* /; rm -rf /tmp/dhcpd
mail -s "Re: FreeBSD Port: isc-dhcp3-server-3.0.1.r14" \
cyrille.lefevre at < typescript

Cyrille Lefevre.
mailto:clefevre-lists at

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