ports/66778: UPDATE /comms/xlog to 0.9.6 to replace broken port

Pav Lucistnik pav at FreeBSD.org
Thu Jun 3 12:52:59 GMT 2004

Synopsis: UPDATE /comms/xlog to 0.9.6 to replace broken port

Responsible-Changed-From-To: ports->pav
Responsible-Changed-By: pav
Responsible-Changed-When: Thu Jun 3 05:49:14 PDT 2004
I'm working on this.

I noticed several oddities in this PR, Matt:

- Why are you changing attribution in Makefile header? It should
  be never changed, it honors the original author of port

- Why are you changing $FreeBSD$ CVS tag to non-existing revision
  and committer? You should never touch this line in a PR.

- FreeBSD.org is proper spelling of mail address, don't lowercase it

- What is USE_PKGCONFIG=yes? There is no such macro in Ports.

- There is no README.html in CVS, it's generated by 'make readme',
  no need to spam patches with it.

- What should mean PORTSDIR and LOCALBASE things in pkg-descr?

No action needed from you, I'll correct all these issues.
Just some thought...


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