Oliver's work (PR/56961)

Alexander Leidinger Alexander at Leidinger.net
Fri Jan 9 04:52:12 PST 2004

On Fri, 9 Jan 2004 15:41:45 +1100
Edwin Groothuis <edwin at mavetju.org> wrote:

> Maybe one of our German collegues[sp] on this list wants to spend
> 25 euro-cents on a phonecall to the number mentioned in whois for
> fillmore-labs.com to figure out if Oliver is still breathing.

I searched the public phonebook (http://www.telefonbuch.de/). There's
one Eikemeier in Frankfurt am Main, but calling the number gives a
strange result. First it sounds as if there's no connection behind this
number ("tü tü tü - Kein Anschluss unter dieser Nummer"), but after the
first 3 tones it switches over to the no free line indication ("tut tut
tut tut ...").

If this is his old address, it seems he has no phone number forwarding.
But judging from reports in some computer magazines about the way DSL
get handled sometimes (you may get a "yes, no problem to use DSL", you
order it, and it doesn't work) it may not be far fetched to say, the
phone company may have something fucked up and because of the holidays
it isn't fixed yet.


           I will be available to get hired in April 2004.

http://www.Leidinger.net                       Alexander @ Leidinger.net
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