Success - KDE 3.2 running on FreeBSD 5.1 Current

Michael Dunham michaeldunham at
Wed Feb 11 09:28:35 PST 2004

I had some problems upgrading to KDE 3.2 that I was helped through by 
Michael Nottenbrock and the FreeBSD at KDE homepage 
(  As the homepage points out, there have been 
several changes to the structure of KDE to reach the 3.2 release so it 
is not as easy as doing a portupgrade -a to get everything up to date 
(and that's really not the best way to interrelated upgrades anyway).

Here's what I had to do:
Once you have updated your ports tree, you can portupgrade kde (the 
master port) to 3.2 without a problem. If you go beyond that, you will 
begin to have failures unless you follow a careful path...

In serial fashion - meaning one at a time, not in parallel.
Update the ports tree (!!)
portupgrade -f  XFree86-libraries
portupgrade -f  gmake
portupgrade -f qt
make deinstall kbase (in the kbase3 directory)
portupgrade -f kdelibs
Do a make install of kbase
At the point where you have gotten through the upgrade/reinstall of qt 
you can start these tasks in another session in parallel:
make deinstall  kdenetwork (in the kdenetwork directory)
either install or  portupgrade -f  kdepim
make install kdenetwork (I did this in parallel with the upgrade of 
kdepim and had no problem)
If  you are doing this in sessions as a super user from X, logout of X 
and restart your X/KDE session.  If you are doing this from the command 
line, no problem - you should now be able to start X and/or continue to 
update the rest of the KDE related ports.

I had to use the "force" (-f) option in all of these because I had tried 
several approaches before I got this one to work.  You may be able to 
stop using it once you have gotten past the forced upgrade of qt and a 
lot of this method depends on the state of your port tree when you 
start.  But using the force won't change the fact that if the port needs 
an update it will be upgraded, if it doesn't it will be reinstalled.  
Either of those outcomes will solve the problems as long as you step 
through in the proper order..

If you have been playing around trying to get it work before you read 
this, you may have to do a portsclean -CDLP and then force a new port 
database (pkgdb -fu) to be put together before you do your last update 
to your ports tree.  In any case, it can't hurt.

After you have completed this series of upgrades and reinstalls, you can 
upgrade the rest of the KDE related ports.  I tried to use the addons 
master port kdeaddons but it failed right away trying to upgrade 
atlanticdesigner (a game).  I went around it and have been upgrading the 
other related ports without a problem.   Why kdegames would upgrade and 
kdeaddons would halt in upgrading the kdegames I don't know.

That's it!



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