error in "make index"

Adam Weinberger adamw at
Fri Dec 24 00:36:57 PST 2004

Mark Linimon wrote:
> Sigh.  Already fixed.  A quick check of tonight's mailing list would
> have confirmed that this has already been reported.  Please re-cvsup
> and try again.
> I'm beginning to wonder if when we took INDEX out of the repository
> we should have disabled the index target, or aliased it to the
> fetchindex one.
> I would really advocate that most people move to "make fetchindex"
> and only use "make index" if there is some pressing reason (local
> non-standard ports installations, unusual and well-understood
> make.conf options).

I've already suggested this to knu, but it bears repeating here: I'd 
really really really strongly advocate portupgrade running 'make 
fetchindex' instead of 'make index'.

And frankly, I'd support having 'make fetchindex' run automatically by 
the ports build system if the ${PORTS_INDEX} file doesn't exist.

# Adam

Adam Weinberger
adamw at || adamw at
adamw at    ||   adamw at

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