Apache2 on 4.10 coredumps

Jon Mercer jon.mercer at achean.com
Sun Aug 22 15:17:09 PDT 2004

I'm sure someone knows more about this than I do.

Having cvsupped ports and rebuilt Apache2 (2.0.50_2) there seems to be
an issue whereby httpd core dumps after forking from the initial
process. ktrace suggests that the initial process reads the config files
and loads all the modules fine and exits after forking from an initial
process and produces a core file in / (is that the right behaviour?)

Has anyone else come across a similar issue?

Apache is built with a list on modules and without IPv6 to match the
kernel build.

Am happy to provide any info required by someone wishing to look into
this. Not being a developer this one has me a bit stumped.

Best regards,


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| /__\    /___\ \_____/ /__|   /__| \_____/  \__/|_| /__|   /__| |
|                                                                |
|                         www.achean.com                         |
|                         ==============                         |
| Jon Mercer                               jon.mercer at achean.com |

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