If you're bored during the freeze

Oliver Eikemeier eikemeier at fillmore-labs.com
Tue Apr 27 06:23:08 PDT 2004

Robin Schoonover wrote:

> On Tue, 27 Apr 2004 03:04:54 -0700, Kris Kennaway wrote:
>>On Tue, Apr 27, 2004 at 02:04:26AM -0700, Brooks Davis wrote:
>>>On Fri, Apr 23, 2004 at 06:12:49PM -0700, Kris Kennaway wrote:
>>>>I'm probably going to add /usr/local/www to BSD.local.dist so it
>>>>becomes a "system" directory.
>>>This sounds like a good idea to me.  One related issue is ports that
>>>intall under /usr/local/www/data/<subdir>.  I've seen quite a few PHP
>>>ports that do that and it's a bad idea since that directory may or may
>>>not be a link to data.dist.  I've moved my PHP ports to use
>>>/usr/local/www/<subdir> and to have a pkg-message that shows an apache
>>><Alias> directive to add that to the web hierachy as /<subdir>/.
>>Yes, nothing should install under data/ since that's where a live
>>website usually lives, and it's Very Bad for ports to install
>>themselves so they immediately show up there [1]
> It gets worse.  One port, that I unfortunately cannot remember now,
> deleted the entire /usr/local/www/data tree when I deinstalled it.

You did not have any important data there, otherwise you would remember
which port it was, I guess?


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