no icons using nautilus from kde (ports/65562 ?)

Lee Harr missive at
Sat Apr 24 09:02:09 PDT 2004

I see the error message mentioned in bug report ports/65562 ...

>nautilus --no-desktop
mapping method init - connect2: Connection refused

(nautilus:20880): libgnomevfs-WARNING **: module 
'/usr/X11R6/lib/gnome-vfs-2.0/modules/' returned a NULL handle
to small (16x16, scaling up
to small (16x16, scaling up
to small (16x16, scaling up
to small (16x16, scaling up

and I wonder if maybe that is causing the lack of any icons showing
up when using nautilus from kde.

If I run an actual gnome-session, then nautilus seems to work fine.

Is it supposed to be possible to run nautilus from kde?

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