Kopete 7.3

Michael Dunham michaeldunham at earthlink.net
Fri Oct 17 20:27:31 PDT 2003

Thanks to everyone, 0.7.2 is in ports, it installs and runs fine with 
the MSN protocol - which was my problem. 

However, the port is still marked 0.7 so it doesn't show up in a 
portversion call if you already have 0.7 installed. So, unless someone 
happens across this conversation, they are unlikely to know there is an 



Arjan van Leeuwen wrote:

>On Friday 17 October 2003 04:16, Michael Dunham wrote:
>>I've been looking for the most recent version of the KDE Kopete IM
>>client (0.7.3) to appear in the ports collection but as yet I haven't
>>seen anything newer than 0.7 appear.  I sent an email to the ports
>>maintainer but I wondered if anyone has been successful installing from
>>the Sourceforce binary?  I'm running 5.1 Current.
>The sources of 0.7.2 compile & install fine without any patches on my -CURRENT 
>machine.  Maintainer, can you update the port? the current version doesn't 
>work with the new MSN protocol.
>>Mike Dunham
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