ports that should use CONFLICTS

Jean-Baptiste Quenot jb.quenot at caraldi.com
Fri Oct 10 01:20:13 PDT 2003

* Oliver Eikemeier:

> Basically  you have  the maintainer,  a list  of ports  with conflicts
> (with a sample conflicting file) and a suggested CONFLICTS line
> jb.quenot at caraldi.com
> - www/resin2 conflicts with www/resin3
>  common files: sbin/resinctl
>  CONFLICTS= resin-3.0.*
> - www/resin3 conflicts with www/resin2
>  common files: sbin/resinctl
>  CONFLICTS= resin-2.1.*

Oops, that's  me!  Thank  Oliver for  letting me  know.  I  also noticed
since a long time that Apache 1 and 2 were in conflict.  Your initiative
is a good opportunity to make cohabitation possible between all ports in
the collection.
Jean-Baptiste Quenot

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