install mozilla without root permission

Will Kessler kessler at
Thu Oct 2 22:25:45 PDT 2003


I am a poor unpriv'd user on a shared freebsd system which has no installed browser.

 I'd like to install mozilla but cannot secure root or even pseudo privs to do it using a package. Is there any way to just install it in my local home dir? I've also tried biulding from source, after building gtk and glib, but this fails due to other dependencies.

Normally I develop under solaris and linux, for which i can get executables that seem to run in their own dir, so i'm less familiar with freebsd (although pkg_add sounds a bit like pkgadd under solaris).

Any pointers/help appreciated!  Opera just doesn't cut the mustard, I really don't want to use any MSFT products,  and googling revealed few clues.

THanks in advance,

Will Kessler
Email me at: kessler at
See my web site at :

PS I run vnc to get X up and this starts fine.

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