mod_php ( new )

Mathieu Arnold mat at
Sun May 25 04:58:40 PDT 2003

+-le 25/05/03 07:53 -0400, Michael Sharp écrivait :
| I just ran cvsup and updated my ports tree as usual from cvsup16*.
| I noticed that mod_php4 was backported to 4.3.1 from 4.3.2.r4 ?
| portupgrade mod_php4
| --->  Upgrading 'mod_php4-4.3.2.r4' to 'mod_php4-4.3.1,1' (www/mod_php4)

Accordings to the cvs commits :

| kris        2003/05/24 02:55:39 PDT
|   FreeBSD ports repository
|   Modified files:
|     [..]
|   Log:
|   With my portmgr hat on, back out the previous update to mod_php4, which
|   was incomplete and broke all the dependent ports.

and :

| kris        2003/05/24 02:57:00 PDT
|   FreeBSD ports repository
|   Modified files:
|     www/mod_php4         Makefile 
|   Log:
|   Bump PORTEPOCH to force downgrade to working 4.3.1 port.

Mathieu Arnold

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