[kde-freebsd] KDE meta port build error

Michael Nottebrock michaelnottebrock at gmx.net
Thu Jun 5 13:21:54 PDT 2003

On Thursday 05 June 2003 21:49, Kent Stewart wrote:

> > I have and if I move r->rid to the end of the argument list, it builds. I
> > noticed that for 5.1, the argument list is changed to
> >
> > int hid_report_size(report_desc_t d, unsigned int id, enum hid_kind k);
> Miscopied this one it is
> int hid_report_size(report_desc_t d, enum hid_kind k, int id);

Oh dear, it changed again... I wonder how anybody is supposed to be able to 
_use_ these headers if they change all the time like that.

Anyway, I'm on a 4.8-STABLE system (__FreeBSD_version 480101) as well and it 
works right out of the box for me (I even cleaned out /usr/include and 
repopulated it from installworld to make sure I don't have junky headers in 
there), so I can really only shrug my shoulders for now. :-(

| Michael Nottebrock	    |	   KDE on FreeBSD	| 		,ww   |
| michaelnottebrock at gmx.net | 		---		|	,wWWCybaWW_)  |
|	   ---		    |  http://freebsd.kde.org	| free	 `WSheepW'    |
| http://tigress.com/lofi   | 		---		| node	   II  II     |
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