x11/kde3 - Please end the bikeshedding.

Michael Nottebrock michaelnottebrock at gmx.net
Mon Jun 2 17:29:35 PDT 2003

All the points have been made in my and Will's previous replies, but to 

1.) The updated metaport restores historical behaviour.

2.) A metaport is supposed to provide something complete. It is not supposed 
to simplify updating or to be ports-in-ports subsystem. This metaport does 
provide the complete K Desktop Environment, nothing more, nothing less. 
Because of the ports-system inherent difficulties with all metaports, we 
actually ***encourage users to pkg_delete kde3*** once they are comfortable 
with their customized KDE installation.

3.) There were user complaints about the previous situation. People were not 
always happy with the choice that was made about what the KDE metaport should 
consist of. They were right. KDE is defined by the KDE project. The new 
metaport provides KDE as defined by the KDE project.

4.) Look at the kde ports and the metaport carefully. No functionality was 
removed today, you can still install a minimal or whatever customized kde 
from packages or ports without any additonal hassle. In fact, we _added_ a 
feature: The MINIMAL_KDE variable.


The changes will not be reverted, nor augmented or reduced. Further 
bikeshedding over this is unnecessary and will only produce mailing list 

On behalf of the KDE FreeBSD team,
| Michael Nottebrock	    |	   KDE on FreeBSD	| 		,ww   |
| michaelnottebrock at gmx.net | 		---		|	,wWWCybaWW_)  |
|	   ---		    |  http://freebsd.kde.org	| free	 `WSheepW'    |
| http://tigress.com/lofi   | 		---		| node	   II  II     |
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