Some comments on the Dataplot port

Pedro F. Giffuni giffunip at
Wed Jul 30 21:32:16 PDT 2003

I wanted to forward some comments from the Dataplot maintainer:
Thanks for doing this.  I will add the BSD link on the Dataplot web

A few minor comments.

 1) The mention of the GUI says that it requires Expect.  I would change
    that to Tcl/Tk (version 8.3 or higher recommended)
    and, optionally, Expect.
    The GUI will in fact run using only Tcl/Tk (it will use Expect to
    handle the communication between Dataplot and the Tcl/Tk scripts if
    it is available, otherwise it will use an alternative Tcl/Tk only method. 
 2) The default maximum number of observations is probably 50,000.  I am
    now setting this to 100,000 on most platforms.  As some guidance, I
    have built a version under Red Hat Linux that uses a maximum of
    2,000,000 observations.  It seems to blow-up if I try to go to
    3,000,000.  I haven't tried to determine a more exact maximum.  Since
    BSD and Red Hat both depend on the g77 compiler, I suspect a similar
    maximum applies.  In any event, if your script lets the user set the
    maximum number of observations, you might want to put in a comment
    to the effect that recommended values are between 100,000 and 2,000,000.

As the porter I have to say that (1) is there in the hope that someone writes a
port of the GUI using Expect (and Tcl/TK) and that (2) is set to a value of
20000 (an older default) by variable MAXOBV in the port's Makefile.

The value 20000 was set to avoid problems on computers with low memory, I think
more testing to see exactly how big this value can be would be interesting but
MY requirements are rather modest and with 20000 is more than enough.

BTW, The NIST people will be interested in maintaining this port in a future
(no, not yet).



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