A different approach for the ghostscript problem

Jens Rehsack rehsack at liwing.de
Sun Jul 27 15:33:32 PDT 2003

On 28.07.2003 00:12, Tilman Linneweh wrote:

> * Jens Rehsack [So, 27 Jul 2003 at 23:59 GMT]:
>> 	This patch allows the admin of the machine to choose either
>> 	print/ghostscript-gnu or print/ghostscript-afpl
> Just picking a random PR.
> Instead of adding knobs to every port, a more
> generic solution might be appropriate, e.g. a bsd.port.mk patch.
> Oh, and I am not the first one with this idea.
> PR 36112 by lev tries to introduce a IMHO better solution.

I thought about including WITHOUT_X11 in any of the
changes, but
a) I want to see the generic response of the port
b) Playing aroung (because having problem to create
    useful and senseful patch, because it seems a little
    bit more complecated) with print/cups-pstoraster
c) wasn't sure to use Mk/bsd.port.mk or a solution like
    lang/php4 has: print/ghostscript/bsd.ghostschript.mk,
    maybe with some more common in a Makefile for
    all ghostscript derivates ...


PS: Your suggestions are very welcome - you can mail me!
     in german, too :-)

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