FreeBSD Port: postgresql7-7.3.3

Gerard Samuel gsam at
Thu Jul 24 10:24:19 PDT 2003

Im looking for some clarification.
I just upgraded from postgresql 7.2.3, and I previously had it installed 
with Multibyte support.
That option isn't available in the Postgresql 7.3.3 port.
According to the Postgresql docs, Multibyte is set enabled by default.
Im trying to have all my databases set to "UNICODE" encoding (like how 
it was when I had 7.2.3 running)
So I ran initdb with the -E switch to UNICODE.
su -l pgsql -c initdb -E UNICODE

But the databases still have the SQL_ASCII encoding on them.
$ psql -l
       List of databases
   Name    | Owner | Encoding
 template0 | pgsql | SQL_ASCII
 template1 | pgsql | SQL_ASCII
(2 rows)

But according to the docs, there may be some auto conversions from 
What I would like to know, is if this is true with the current 
Postgresql 7.3.3 port?
So I don't have to worry about trying to get them to UNICODE, as it 
seems like it cannot do so....


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