webstone scalability and useability patches available.

Alfred Perlstein bright at mu.org
Mon Dec 22 10:03:18 PST 2003

I've been working on a *cough* top secret *cough* webserver for
the last several months.  Part of the work has been optimizing
and cleaning up webstone to make it more usable.  To that effect
I've changed it so that:

a) It respects an environment variable "WEBSTONE_RSH", if set
   it will use that instead of attemping to rexec(3).
b) I've converted it from process based to thread based by
   emulating the portions of the WIN32 api that webstone relies
   upon as well as some serious hackage to the autoconf subsystem.

It'll try to use libkse, then libpthread, then libc_r afaik.

These also have the patches from the port in them.

If you know anyone on the webstone team I'd be interested in
talking to them about incorporating this work into the next

Patches are available from:

- Alfred Perlstein
- Research Engineering Development Inc.
- email: bright at mu.org cell: 408-480-4684

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