Questions about new category (Polish)

Aleksander Fafula alex at
Mon Aug 25 07:54:27 PDT 2003

Hello everybody :)

Thank you very much for adding /usr/ports/polish/ category 
especially for those who repocopied and did the rest of the 
neccesary work.

Now, after it's succesfully working I have some questions.

1) We can't write ports-polish in cvsup's config file, it
works for ports-all, but after placing there only ports-polish:

	anusia# cvsup /usr/local/etc/cvsup/ports-supfile
	Connected to
	Server message: Unknown collection "ports-polish"
	Skipping collection ports-polish/cvs
	Finished successfully

2) Is created automaticaly 
or should I write (with pr) for a new entry?

3) There are probably more places like above that I can't 
memorize at the moment. Wait or ask maintainers for updating 

Thank very much you one more time, 
kind regards from Poland, 

   \ o /  _ o        __|    \ /     |__        o _  \ o /   o
     |     /\   __\o   \o    |    o/    o/__   /\     |    /|\
		alex at	 alex at

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