portsclean oddity

Jens Schweikhardt schweikh at schweikhardt.net
Tue Apr 15 13:39:55 PDT 2003

# * Jens Schweikhardt <schweikh at schweikhardt.net> [2003-04-14 19:04 +0200]:
# > I've run "pkgdb -F" but still portsclean wants to remove a file that I
# > think it should not remove because it appears in a distinfo file.
# pkgdb maintains only _installed_ packages.
# Try
# # portsdb -Uu && portsclean -Dn

Thanks Oliver, that did the trick.

BTW, portsdb -Uu printed a few strange messages, like

galeon-1.2.9:"" non-existent -- dependency list incomplete
bjfilter850-1.3:"/usr/ports/print/psutils-A4" non-existent -- dependency list incomplete
gnucash-1.8.2:"/usr/portgnucash-docs-1.8.0" non-existent -- dependency list incomplete

My ports tree is updated with cvsup every other day. Are these bugs in
some of the ports (Makefile?) or do I need to wave dead^W^Wrun more
magic commands to make everything smooth?


Jens Schweikhardt http://www.schweikhardt.net/
SIGSIG -- signature too long (core dumped)

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