Mozilla 1.3 wierdness, maybe a bug???

Gerard Samuel gsam at
Tue Apr 15 13:16:13 PDT 2003

Ok, Im glad, Im not the only one.  I'll fly by mozilla's bugzilla in a 
little bit.  If I come across anything Ill reply back to the list...

Joe Marcus Clarke wrote:

>On Tue, 2003-04-15 at 15:36, Gerard Samuel wrote:
>>Has anyone experienced unexpected output from mozilla 1.3 from the ports??
>Come to think of it, yes.  I thought it was a bug in our site, but now I
>see that it doesn't happen with Mozilla 1.1 or with Mozilla 1.4a.
>>I had just upgraded earlier today from 1.2.x to 1.3 (after a fresh pull 
>>of the ports), and it seems as if after a redirection (via php),
>>Im getting this unexpected output.
>Yeah, it seems related to redirection.
>>It only started happening after I upgraded mozilla, and under the native 
>>opera port it is still working as expected.
>>For an example of what I mean by "unexpected output" take a look at -> 
>>Everything from the top of the page to the end of the headers are not 
>>supposed to be there...
>>When I view the source of this page, the "unexpected output" isn't 
>>there, but the page as it is supposed to be.
>>Im running KDE 3.1.1a, FreeBSD 5.  If you need more info, feel free to 
>I'm wondering if this was introduced in my commits yesterday.  I don't
>know why if it was.  I'll run some tests later today.  It may just be a
>1.3 bug with certain sites.  If you want, search through Mozilla
>Bugzilla, and see if you find something.
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