ports/50781: devel/php4 is missing

Alex Kiesel alex.kiesel at document-root.de
Thu Apr 10 11:29:54 PDT 2003

On Thu, 2003-04-10 at 17:07, Xavier Beaudouin wrote:
>   When cvsuping to latest FreeBSD and doing a portupgrade -a, I noticed that
>   CGI / Standalone has gone.
>   Why ? And how to upgrade it from ports ?

The lang/php4-Port has been merged into www/mod_php4. You must upgrade
that port.

There have been discussions about this merge which showed some
backdraws: to have command-line php installed, it is neccessary to
install the Apache webserver (and all of its dependencies); so it seems
possible that lang/php4 returns.


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