ports/172903: dns/opendnssec convert to OPTIONSNG

Jaap Akkerhuis jaap at NLnetLabs.nl
Tue Oct 23 12:31:10 UTC 2012

Hoi Erwin,

    If I'm diffing the diffs correctly, you used the first version of
    my patch to send the new one and the main change you made was to
    move the ruby check back to the bottem after the inclusion of


    My second patch, attached for completeness, actually did the same,

I didn't realise the differences between the two and I used the first
because I could download that one. It also worked. (The second didn't.
Not being ean attachment, it got butchered somewhere.)

    but also moved the OPTIONS_* macros before including
    bsd.port.options.mk, which is the recommended way. Is this patch
    fine with you, or did I overlook anything?

This is fine with me, no problem. (And, for good measures, I tested it
on my test tinderboxes).



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