ports/166333: security/maia fails

Justin Smith freebsd.users at gmail.com
Fri Mar 30 03:45:56 UTC 2012

hi Janky,

> After looking at your Makefile, it appears you're using an old port.
> Are you absolutely sure your ports tree is up-to-date? The current
> Makefile should be using a PORTREVISION of 1. And you're also missing
> some key depends such as p5-forks. My guess is that this is what has
> been causing so many problems. The port itself is old. How are you
> updating your ports tree? Something isn't working.

You are right about that, my maia version is incorrect. I guess I can
edit Makefile further and fix it. Let me assure you my portstree is
up-to-date, I run daily updates for installed ports. Just to be sure I
tried csup as well, built index from there.



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