ports/156809: [maintainer update] net-mgmt/noc: update from 0.6.2 to 0.6.4

Stanislav A Svirid count at 211.ru
Wed May 4 09:00:23 UTC 2011

>Number:         156809
>Category:       ports
>Synopsis:       [maintainer update] net-mgmt/noc: update from 0.6.2 to 0.6.4
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    freebsd-ports-bugs
>State:          open
>Class:          maintainer-update
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Wed May 04 09:00:22 UTC 2011
>Originator:     Stanislav A Svirid
>Release:        FreeBSD 8.2-RELEASE i386
System: FreeBSD unknown.211.ru 8.2-RELEASE FreeBSD 8.2-RELEASE #0: Sat Feb 26 19:46:44 NOVT 2011 root at unknown.211.ru:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC i386

Update to version 0.6.4

Change Log:
After six weeks of development NOC 0.6.3 is finally out. This release introduces major improvements in Service Activation area.
Among them are:

    pure-Python telnet and ssh clients implementation allows to override PTY limitations, greatly improve performance and concurrent session limits
    NOC's non-blocking IO library can use poll() and epoll() methods, as replacement of the classic select()
    debug-script can run script on several objects at once. Objects can be specified by listing names or using selector as well
    Optimization of CPU and memory usage allows to work with large configuration files (over 30Mb)
    Flexible CLI session setup procedure opens way to Cisco Catalyst clusters

Configuration management got additional Config Diff Filter Rule, which allows to strip unimportant config changes from notification,
while handling them as usually

Address Space Management got an ability to import prefixes from equipment's directly connected networks to database.

After one month of development NOC 0.6.4 is finally out.

This release introduces many major improvements in the Service Activation area.
Among them are:

SA Sharding

Service Activation subsystem can be split into several independing shards,
each having dedicated activators and SAE daemons. Sharding opens new ways
for horizontal scaling of large installations. In addition, shard can be
put offline, disabling only part of SA subsystem for maintainance.

WRR load balancing

Activator reports its capabilities (including script session limits)
to SAE on connect. SAE uses weighted round-robin (WRR) balancing scheme
to proportionally distribute the load between activators in the pool.
Per-object concurrent scripts limit

Managed Object's max_scripts attribute is used as per-object concurrent
scripts limit

Command snippets

Command Snippets are canned parametrized templates for frequenly-used
operations, which can be run multiple times on large amount of equipment.
Script output templating

Scripts launched from Managed Object's script form now utilize neat
HTML templates with additional hot actions links.

Bunch of usability and stability fixes are also applied.

This release introduces new ZTE.ZXR10 profile and several new scripts.

Changes in port:

Change depends of django to django-1.3.x version only
Add options for make 'noc' with GMPY and PEP8 modules
Remove creating user anf group from pkg-install script and use bsd.port.mk
Autogenerate PLIST file from MANIFEST file in distribution.



--- noc-0.6.4.patch begins here ---
diff -ruN noc.bak/Makefile noc/Makefile
--- noc.bak/Makefile	2011-03-17 21:49:13.000000000 +0600
+++ noc/Makefile	2011-05-04 15:25:19.000000000 +0700
@@ -2,23 +2,25 @@
 # Date created:				27.08.2009
 # Whom:					Stanislav Svirid <count at 211.ru>
-# $FreeBSD: ports/net-mgmt/noc/Makefile,v 1.7 2011/03/17 15:49:13 miwi Exp $
+# $FreeBSD: ports/net-mgmt/noc/Makefile,v 1.4 2009/12/18 22:26:11 miwi Exp $
 CATEGORIES=	net-mgmt python
-MASTER_SITES=	http://redmine.nocproject.org/attachments/download/104/
+MASTER_SITES=	http://redmine.nocproject.org/attachments/download/137/
 MAINTAINER=	count at 211.ru
 COMMENT=	Operation Support System (OSS) for the Telco, SP and Enterprise NOC
+EXTRA_PATCHES=	${PATCHDIR}/extra-patch-sa_sae.py
+EXTRA_PATCHES+=	${PATCHDIR}/extra-patch-0.6.4.rst
 LIB_DEPENDS=	smi.2:${PORTSDIR}/net-mgmt/libsmi
 BUILD_DEPENDS=	easy_install:${PORTSDIR}/devel/py-setuptools \
     		${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}sphinx>0:${PORTSDIR}/textproc/py-sphinx \
-RUN_DEPENDS=	django-admin.py:${PORTSDIR}/www/py-django \
+RUN_DEPENDS=	${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}django>=1.3<1.4:${PORTSDIR}/www/py-django \
 		${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}django-tagging>0:${PORTSDIR}/www/py-django-tagging \
 		${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}south>0:${PORTSDIR}/databases/py-south \
 		${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}coverage>0:${PORTSDIR}/devel/py-coverage \
@@ -28,27 +30,37 @@
 		${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}creole>0:${PORTSDIR}/textproc/py-creole \
 		${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}webob>0:${PORTSDIR}/www/py-webob \
 		${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}WebTest>0:${PORTSDIR}/www/py-WebTest \
-		${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}netifaces>0:${PORTSDIR}/net/py-netifaces
+		${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}netifaces>0:${PORTSDIR}/net/py-netifaces \
+		${PYTHON_SITELIBDIR}/Crypto/__init__.py:${PORTSDIR}/security/py-pycrypto
+OPTIONS=	GMPY "Enable use GMP library in SSH" on \
+		PEP8 "Intsall pep8 for checking source" off
-CONFLICTS=	noc-devel-[0-9].*
-NOCUSER?=	noc
 NOCDBDIR?=	/var/db/noc
-NOCUID=		182
 .include <bsd.port.pre.mk>
+.if defined(WITH_GMPY)
+RUN_DEPENDS+=	${PYTHON_SITELIBDIR}/gmpy.so:${PORTSDIR}/math/py-gmpy
+.if defined(WITH_PEP8)
@@ -58,6 +70,13 @@
+PLIST_REINPLACE+=	noc_static noc_etc noc
+PLIST_REINPLACE_NOC=	s at dirrm noc$$@dirrmtry noc@
+PLIST_REINPLACE_NOC_STATIC=	s at dirrm noc/static at dirrmtry noc/static@
+PLIST_REINPLACE_NOC_ETC=	s at dirrm noc/etc at dirrmtry noc/etc@
 SUB_FILES=	pkg-install \
 		pkg-deinstall \
@@ -73,8 +92,9 @@
 		etc/noc-fcgi.defaults \
 		etc/noc-launcher.defaults \
 		etc/noc-notifier.defaults \
-		etc/noc-sae.defaults \
 		etc/noc-probe.defaults \
+		etc/noc-sae.defaults \
+		etc/noc-scheduler.defaults \
@@ -90,14 +110,40 @@
 	${REINPLACE_CMD} -e "s@^\(repo *=\).*@\1 ${NOCDBDIR}/repo@" -e "s@^\(backup_dir *=\).*@\1 ${NOCDBDIR}/backup@" etc/noc.defaults; \
 	${REINPLACE_CMD} -e "s@^\(PREFIX=\"\).*@\1${NOCDIR}\"@" setup.py; \
 	_sed_script=`${MKTEMP} tmp.XXXXXX`; \
-	for cmd in telnet ssh rsync pg_dump tar gzip smidump smilint fping dig gpg; do \
-		${ECHO} "s@^\\($${cmd} *\\)=.*\$$@\\1 = "`${WHICH} $${cmd}`'@' >> $${_sed_script} ; \
+	for cmd in ssh rsync pg_dump tar gzip smidump smilint fping dig gpg; do \
+		${ECHO_CMD} "s@^\\($${cmd} *\\)=.*\$$@\\1 = "`${WHICH} $${cmd}`'@' >> $${_sed_script} ; \
 	done; \
 	${REINPLACE_CMD} -f $${_sed_script} ${NOC_CONF_FILES}; \
 	${RM} $${_sed_script}; )
+	@>${PLIST}
+.for f in ${NOC_CONF_FILES}
+	@${ECHO_CMD} "@unexec if cmp -s %D/noc/etc/${f} %D/noc/etc/${f:R}.conf; then rm -f %D/noc/etc/${f:R}.conf; fi" >> ${PLIST}
+	@(${CAT} ${WRKSRC}/MANIFEST | ${SED} -e '/^.hg/d; s@^@noc\/@;' \
+		-e '/.py$$/ {p; s/.py$$/.pyc/p; s/.pyc$$/.pyo/;} ' | \
+		${EGREP} -v 'noc/(scripts/|setup|share/docs/).*\.py[co]' | \
+		${SORT} >> ${PLIST} )
+	@${ECHO_CMD} "@dirrmtry ${NOCDIR:S%^${PREFIX}/%%}/local" >> ${PLIST}
+	@${ECHO_CMD} "@dirrmtry ${NOCDIR:S%^${PREFIX}/%%}/static/doc" >> ${PLIST}
+	@(_sed_script=`${MKTEMP} ${WRKDIR}/tmp.XXXXXX`; \
+	    ${ECHO_CMD} "/^.hg/d" >> $${_sed_script} ;\
+	    ${ECHO_CMD} "s@^@noc\/@" >> $${_sed_script} ;\
+	    ${ECHO_CMD} ":u" >> $${_sed_script} ;\
+	    ${ECHO_CMD} '/\// { s/^[^@]/@dirrm &/; s@/[^/]*$$@@; p; }' >> $${_sed_script} ;\
+	    ${ECHO_CMD} "tu" >> $${_sed_script} ;\
+	    ${ECHO_CMD} "d" >> $${_sed_script} ;\
+	    ${CAT} ${WRKSRC}/MANIFEST | ${SED} -f $${_sed_script} | ${SORT} -r -u  >> ${PLIST} ;\
+	    ${RM} $${_sed_script}; \
+	)
+	@${ECHO_CMD} "@cwd ${NOCDBDIR}" >> ${PLIST}
+	@${ECHO_CMD} "@dirrmtry repo" >> ${PLIST}
+	@${ECHO_CMD} "@dirrmtry backup" >> ${PLIST}
+	@${ECHO_CMD} "@unexec rmdir ${NOCDBDIR} 2>/dev/null || true" >> ${PLIST}
+	@${ECHO_CMD} "@cwd /" >> ${PLIST}
+	@${ECHO_CMD} "@dirrmtry ${LOCALSTATE_DIR}" >> ${PLIST}
diff -ruN noc.bak/distinfo noc/distinfo
--- noc.bak/distinfo	2011-03-17 21:49:13.000000000 +0600
+++ noc/distinfo	2011-05-04 11:49:42.000000000 +0700
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-SHA256 (noc-0.6.2.tar.gz) = 700cff7cec20f572484033afb458ebfd6885f5adb1e940ddd7046135424f8027
-SIZE (noc-0.6.2.tar.gz) = 12981116
+SHA256 (noc-0.6.4.tar.gz) = 54f14b48bc478ad15c3a2c0d9d1256a1f21661adbc6ded0a3b8689fdfdb7ba84
+SIZE (noc-0.6.4.tar.gz) = 14993060
diff -ruN noc.bak/files/extra-patch-0.6.4.rst noc/files/extra-patch-0.6.4.rst
--- noc.bak/files/extra-patch-0.6.4.rst	1970-01-01 07:00:00.000000000 +0700
+++ noc/files/extra-patch-0.6.4.rst	2011-05-04 15:25:03.000000000 +0700
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+diff -r 6a42abeb3317 -r 88d6b37d594a share/docs/en/nocbook/releasenotes/0.6.4.rst
+--- share/docs/en/nocbook/releasenotes/0.6.4.rst.orig
++++ share/docs/en/nocbook/releasenotes/0.6.4.rst
+@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@
+ Event filters are refreshed on object's address changed
+ -------------------------------------------------------
+ Event filters are reloaded immediately when managed object's addresses
+-are changed, reducing amount of _Invalid event filter_ events
++are changed, reducing amount of Invalid event filter events
+ Bugfixes
+ --------
diff -ruN noc.bak/files/extra-patch-sa_sae.py noc/files/extra-patch-sa_sae.py
--- noc.bak/files/extra-patch-sa_sae.py	1970-01-01 07:00:00.000000000 +0700
+++ noc/files/extra-patch-sa_sae.py	2011-05-04 15:23:03.000000000 +0700
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+diff -r 8b9fbf3bcff6 -r 302bc22ed16c sa/sae.py
+--- sa/sae.py.orig
++++ sa/sae.py
+@@ -548,7 +548,8 @@
+         Launch a script
+         """
+         def script_callback(transaction, response=None, error=None):
+-            stream.current_scripts -= 1
++            if stream is not None:
++                stream.current_scripts -= 1
+             if object.profile_name != "NOC.SAE":
+                 try:
+                     self.object_scripts[object.id] -= 1
+@@ -564,6 +565,7 @@
+             callback(result=result)
+         logging.info("script %s(%s)" % (script_name, object))
++        stream = None
+         if object.profile_name != "NOC.SAE":
+             # Validate activator is present
+             try:
diff -ruN noc.bak/files/patch-main_management_commands_sync-doc.py noc/files/patch-main_management_commands_sync-doc.py
--- noc.bak/files/patch-main_management_commands_sync-doc.py	2011-02-05 09:19:10.000000000 +0600
+++ noc/files/patch-main_management_commands_sync-doc.py	1970-01-01 07:00:00.000000000 +0700
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
---- main/management/commands/sync-doc.py.orig	2011-01-31 16:14:43.000000000 +0600
-+++ main/management/commands/sync-doc.py	2011-01-31 16:17:57.000000000 +0600
-@@ -43,10 +43,6 @@ class Command(BaseCommand):
-         return rewrite_when_differ(db_path,out.getvalue())
-     def handle(self, *args, **options):
--        # Prepare paths
--        sphinx_build=os.path.abspath(os.path.join("contrib","bin","sphinx-build"))
--        if not os.path.exists(sphinx_build):
--            raise CommandError("%s not found. Please rebuild contrib/"%sphinx_build)
-         #
-         se_db_updated=self.update_se_db()
-         # Prepare options
-@@ -56,6 +52,8 @@ class Command(BaseCommand):
-         # Prepare environment
-         env=os.environ.copy()
-         env["PYTHONPATH"]=":".join(sys.path)
-+	# add path from contrib
-+	env["PATH"]=os.path.abspath(os.path.join("contrib","bin"))+":"+env["PATH"]
-         # Rebuild all documentation
-         for conf in glob.glob("share/docs/*/*/conf.py"):
-             d,f=os.path.split(conf)
-@@ -69,5 +67,5 @@ class Command(BaseCommand):
-                         os.makedirs(p)
-                     except OSError:
-                         raise CommandError("Unable to create directory: %s"%p)
--            cmd=[sphinx_build]+opts+["-b","html","-d",doctrees,"-D","latex_paper_size=a4",".",html]
-+            cmd=["sphinx-build"]+opts+["-b","html","-d",doctrees,"-D","latex_paper_size=a4",".",html]
-             subprocess.call(cmd,cwd=d,env=env)
diff -ruN noc.bak/files/patch-scripts_post-install noc/files/patch-scripts_post-install
--- noc.bak/files/patch-scripts_post-install	2009-09-19 23:20:39.000000000 +0700
+++ noc/files/patch-scripts_post-install	2011-04-06 10:33:46.000000000 +0700
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ cd $PREFIX
  sed_script=`mktemp tmp.XXXXXX`
  rm $sed_script
- for cmd in telnet ssh rsync pg_dump tar gzip smidump smilint fping dig gpg; do
+ for cmd in ssh rsync pg_dump tar gzip smidump smilint fping dig gpg; do
 -    echo 's@^\\($cmd *\\)=.*\$@\\1 = '`which $cmd`'@' >> $sed_script
 +    echo "s@^\\($cmd *\\)=.*\$@\\1 = "`which $cmd`'@' >> $sed_script
diff -ruN noc.bak/files/patch-scripts_sync-contrib noc/files/patch-scripts_sync-contrib
--- noc.bak/files/patch-scripts_sync-contrib	2011-02-05 09:19:10.000000000 +0600
+++ noc/files/patch-scripts_sync-contrib	2011-05-04 12:08:10.000000000 +0700
@@ -1,13 +1,15 @@
---- scripts/sync-contrib.orig	2011-01-31 16:18:59.000000000 +0600
-+++ scripts/sync-contrib	2011-01-31 16:23:13.000000000 +0600
-@@ -107,6 +107,10 @@ class Installer(object):
-         return self.install("protobuf")
- if __name__=="__main__":
-+    # Always return 0 on FreeBSD
-+    if os.uname()[0] == 'FreeBSD':
-+	sys.exit(0);
+--- scripts/sync-contrib.orig	2011-03-30 12:36:05.000000000 +0700
++++ scripts/sync-contrib	2011-04-06 11:38:22.000000000 +0700
+@@ -45,6 +45,12 @@ class Installer(object):
+     ## Syncronize contrib apps
+     ##
+     def sync(self):
++        # Always return 0 on FreeBSD
++        if os.uname()[0] == 'FreeBSD':
++            if not self.check_only:
++                print "FreeBSD: Using apps from ports"
++            return True
-     check_only=False
-     optlist,optargs=getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],"c")
-     for k,v in optlist:
+         if not self.check_only:
+             print "Syncronizing contrib apps"
+         sv=[]
diff -ruN noc.bak/files/pkg-deinstall.in noc/files/pkg-deinstall.in
--- noc.bak/files/pkg-deinstall.in	2011-03-17 21:49:13.000000000 +0600
+++ noc/files/pkg-deinstall.in	2011-01-31 20:12:34.000000000 +0600
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-# $FreeBSD: ports/net-mgmt/noc/files/pkg-deinstall.in,v 1.4 2011/03/17 15:49:13 miwi Exp $
+# $FreeBSD: ports/net-mgmt/noc/files/pkg-deinstall.in,v 1.1 2009/08/18 09:07:12 bsam Exp $
diff -ruN noc.bak/files/pkg-install.in noc/files/pkg-install.in
--- noc.bak/files/pkg-install.in	2009-09-19 23:20:39.000000000 +0700
+++ noc/files/pkg-install.in	2011-04-06 12:42:50.000000000 +0700
@@ -11,69 +11,7 @@
-ask() {
-  local question default answer
-  question=$1
-  default=$2
-  if [ -z "${PACKAGE_BUILDING}" ]; then
-    read -p "${question} [${default}]? " answer
-  fi
-  if [ "x${answer}" = "x" ]; then
-    answer=${default}
-  fi
-  echo ${answer}
-yesno() {
-  local default question answer
-  question=$1
-  default=$2
-  while :; do
-    answer=$(ask "${question}" "${default}")
-    case "${answer}" in
-      [Yy][Ee][Ss]|[Yy])
-        return 0
-        ;;
-      [Nn][Oo]|[Nn])
-        return 1
-        ;;
-    esac
-    echo "Please answer yes or no."
-   done
 if [ "$2" = "PRE-INSTALL" ]; then
-  if /usr/sbin/pw group show "${NOCGROUP}" 2>&1 >/dev/null; then
-    echo "You already have a \"${NOCGROUP}\" group, so I will use it."
-  else
-    echo "You need a \"${NOCGROUP}\" group."
-    if yesno "Would you like me to create it" "YES"; then
-      /usr/sbin/pw groupadd "${NOCGROUP}" -g "${NOCGID}" -h - || \
-        /usr/sbin/pw groupadd "${NOCGROUP}" -h - || exit
-      echo "Done."
-    else
-      echo "Please create the \"${NOCGROUP}\" group manually and try again."
-      exit 1
-    fi
-  fi
-  if /usr/sbin/pw user show "${NOCUSER}" 2>&1 >/dev/null; then
-    echo "You already have a \"${NOCUSER}\" user, so I will use it."
-  else
-    echo "You need a \"${NOCUSER}\" user."
-    if yesno "Would you like me to create it" "YES"; then
-      /usr/sbin/pw useradd "${NOCUSER}" -u "${NOCUID}" -g "${NOCGROUP}" -h - -d "${NOCDIR}" \
-        -c "NOC pseudo-user" || \
-        /usr/sbin/pw useradd "${NOCUSER}" -g "${NOCGROUP}" -h - -d "${NOCDIR}" \
-        -c "NOC pseudo-user" || exit
-    else
-      echo "Please create the \"${NOCUSER}\" user manually and try again."
-      exit 1
-    fi
-  fi
   if ! [ -x ${NOCDIR} ] ; then
       mkdir -p ${NOCDIR};
       chown ${NOCUSER}:${NOCGROUP} ${NOCDIR}
diff -ruN noc.bak/files/pkg-message.in noc/files/pkg-message.in
--- noc.bak/files/pkg-message.in	2009-08-18 16:07:12.000000000 +0700
+++ noc/files/pkg-message.in	2011-04-06 14:19:54.000000000 +0700
@@ -4,16 +4,12 @@
- Configuration defaults are available in %%NOCDIR%%/etc as *.defaults
- files.  Copy them to *.cfg files where required and
- edit to suit your needs.
  Don't forget create DB in postgresql (see Documentation for NOC).
  and run createlang after createdb:
    createlang plpgsql noc
  After create db (or if you updating from previous version) please
- don't forget run following commnds under user '%%NOCUSER%%':
+ run following commnds under user '%%NOCUSER%%':
    cd %%NOCDIR%%
diff -ruN noc.bak/pkg-plist noc/pkg-plist
--- noc.bak/pkg-plist	2011-03-17 21:49:13.000000000 +0600
+++ noc/pkg-plist	1970-01-01 07:00:00.000000000 +0700
@@ -1,6477 +0,0 @@
- at unexec if cmp -s %D/noc/etc/noc-activator.defaults %D/noc/etc/noc-activator.conf; then rm -f %D/noc/etc/noc-activator.conf; fi
- at unexec if cmp -s %D/noc/etc/noc-classifier.defaults %D/noc/etc/noc-classifier.conf; then rm -f %D/noc/etc/noc-classifier.conf; fi
- at unexec if cmp -s %D/noc/etc/noc-correlator.defaults %D/noc/etc/noc-correlator.conf; then rm -f %D/noc/etc/noc-correlator.conf; fi
- at unexec if cmp -s %D/noc/etc/noc-fcgi.defaults %D/noc/etc/noc-fcgi.conf; then rm -f %D/noc/etc/noc-fcgi.conf; fi
- at unexec if cmp -s %D/noc/etc/noc-launcher.defaults %D/noc/etc/noc-launcher.conf; then rm -f %D/noc/etc/noc-launcher.conf; fi
- at unexec if cmp -s %D/noc/etc/noc-notifier.defaults %D/noc/etc/noc-notifier.conf; then rm -f %D/noc/etc/noc-notifier.conf; fi
- at unexec if cmp -s %D/noc/etc/noc-probe.defaults %D/noc/etc/noc-probe.conf; then rm -f %D/noc/etc/noc-probe.conf; fi
- at unexec if cmp -s %D/noc/etc/noc-sae.defaults %D/noc/etc/noc-sae.conf; then rm -f %D/noc/etc/noc-sae.conf; fi
- at unexec if cmp -s %D/noc/etc/noc.defaults %D/noc/etc/noc.conf; then rm -f %D/noc/etc/noc.conf; fi
- at dirrm noc/vc/tests
- at dirrm noc/vc/periodics
- at dirrm noc/vc/migrations
- at dirrm noc/vc/apps/vctype/tests
- at dirrm noc/vc/apps/vctype
- at dirrm noc/vc/apps/vcfilter/tests
- at dirrm noc/vc/apps/vcfilter/templates
- at dirrm noc/vc/apps/vcfilter
- at dirrm noc/vc/apps/vcdomain/tests
- at dirrm noc/vc/apps/vcdomain
- at dirrm noc/vc/apps/vcbindfilter/tests
- at dirrm noc/vc/apps/vcbindfilter
- at dirrm noc/vc/apps/vc/tests
- at dirrm noc/vc/apps/vc/templates
- at dirrm noc/vc/apps/vc
- at dirrm noc/vc/apps
- at dirrm noc/vc
- at dirrm noc/tests
- at dirrm noc/templates/includes
- at dirrm noc/templates/databrowse
- at dirrm noc/templates/admin
- at dirrm noc/templates
- at dirrm noc/share/sunos/manifest
- at dirrm noc/share/sunos
- at dirrm noc/share/mibs
- at dirrm noc/share/linux/ubuntu/init.d
- at dirrm noc/share/linux/ubuntu
- at dirrm noc/share/linux/lsb/init.d
- at dirrm noc/share/linux/lsb
- at dirrm noc/share/linux
- at dirrm noc/share/docs/ext
- at dirrm noc/share/docs/en/nocbook/vc/apps/vctype
- at dirrm noc/share/docs/en/nocbook/vc/apps/vcfilter
- at dirrm noc/share/docs/en/nocbook/vc/apps/vcdomain
- at dirrm noc/share/docs/en/nocbook/vc/apps/vcbindfilter
- at dirrm noc/share/docs/en/nocbook/vc/apps/vc
- at dirrm noc/share/docs/en/nocbook/vc/apps
- at dirrm noc/share/docs/en/nocbook/vc
- at dirrm noc/share/docs/en/nocbook/sa/apps/versioninventory
- at dirrm noc/share/docs/en/nocbook/sa/apps/topologydiscovery
- at dirrm noc/share/docs/en/nocbook/sa/apps/taskschedule
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- at dirrm noc/peer/apps/communitytype
- at dirrm noc/peer/apps/community/tests
- at dirrm noc/peer/apps/community
- at dirrm noc/peer/apps/asset/tests
- at dirrm noc/peer/apps/asset
- at dirrm noc/peer/apps/as/tests
- at dirrm noc/peer/apps/as
- at dirrm noc/peer/apps
- at dirrm noc/peer
- at dirrm noc/main/tests
- at dirrm noc/main/templatetags
- at dirrm noc/main/refbooks/refbooks
- at dirrm noc/main/refbooks/downloaders
- at dirrm noc/main/refbooks
- at dirrm noc/main/pyrules
- at dirrm noc/main/periodics
- at dirrm noc/main/notify
- at dirrm noc/main/migrations
- at dirrm noc/main/management/commands
- at dirrm noc/main/management
- at dirrm noc/main/auth/backends
- at dirrm noc/main/auth
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/userprofile/tests
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/userprofile/templates
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/userprofile
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/user/tests
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/user/templates
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/user
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/timepattern/tests
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/timepattern/templates
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/timepattern
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/tags/tests
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/tags/templates
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/tags
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/tagmanage/tests
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/tagmanage/templates
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/tagmanage
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/systemnotification/tests
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/systemnotification
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/style/tests
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/style
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/search/tests
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/search/templates
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/search
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/reporttaggedmodels/tests
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/reporttaggedmodels
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/reportsystemversion/tests
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/reportsystemversion
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/reportloc/tests
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/reportloc
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/reportdbsummary/tests
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/reportdbsummary
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/reportbackups/tests
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/reportbackups
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/report/tests
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/report/templates
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/report
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/reloadconfig/tests
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/reloadconfig
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/refbookadmin/tests
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/refbookadmin
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/refbook/tests
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/refbook/templates
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/refbook
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/pyrule/tests
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/pyrule
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/pendingnotifications/tests
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/pendingnotifications
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/notificationgroup/tests
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/notificationgroup/templates
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/notificationgroup
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/mimetype/tests
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/mimetype
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/message/tests
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/message/templates
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/message
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/menu/tests
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/menu
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/language/tests
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/language
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/index/tests
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/index/templates
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/index
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/group/tests
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/group
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/doc/tests
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/doc
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/dbtrigger/tests
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/dbtrigger
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/csv/tests
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/csv/templates
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/csv
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/config/tests
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/config/templates
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/config
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/changesquarantinerule/tests
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/changesquarantinerule
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/changesquarantine/tests
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/changesquarantine
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/calculator/tests
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/calculator/templates
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/calculator/calculators
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/calculator
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/auth/tests
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/auth/templates
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/auth
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/audittrail/tests
- at dirrm noc/main/apps/audittrail
- at dirrm noc/main/apps
- at dirrm noc/main
- at dirrm noc/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES
- at dirrm noc/locale/ru
- at dirrm noc/locale
- at dirrm noc/lib/tests
- at dirrm noc/lib/app
- at dirrm noc/lib
- at dirrm noc/kb/parsers/macros
- at dirrm noc/kb/parsers
- at dirrm noc/kb/migrations
- at dirrm noc/kb/management/commands
- at dirrm noc/kb/management
- at dirrm noc/kb/apps/view/tests
- at dirrm noc/kb/apps/view/templates
- at dirrm noc/kb/apps/view
- at dirrm noc/kb/apps/userbookmark/tests
- at dirrm noc/kb/apps/userbookmark
- at dirrm noc/kb/apps/kbentrytemplate/tests
- at dirrm noc/kb/apps/kbentrytemplate
- at dirrm noc/kb/apps/kbentry/tests
- at dirrm noc/kb/apps/kbentry/templates
- at dirrm noc/kb/apps/kbentry
- at dirrm noc/kb/apps/index/tests
- at dirrm noc/kb/apps/index/templates
- at dirrm noc/kb/apps/index
- at dirrm noc/kb/apps/globalbookmark/tests
- at dirrm noc/kb/apps/globalbookmark
- at dirrm noc/kb/apps
- at dirrm noc/kb
- at dirrm noc/ip/tests
- at dirrm noc/ip/periodics
- at dirrm noc/ip/migrations
- at dirrm noc/ip/apps/vrfgroup/tests
- at dirrm noc/ip/apps/vrfgroup
- at dirrm noc/ip/apps/vrf/tests
- at dirrm noc/ip/apps/vrf
- at dirrm noc/ip/apps/tools/tests
- at dirrm noc/ip/apps/tools/templates
- at dirrm noc/ip/apps/tools
- at dirrm noc/ip/apps/reportsummary/tests
- at dirrm noc/ip/apps/reportsummary
- at dirrm noc/ip/apps/reportfree/tests
- at dirrm noc/ip/apps/reportfree
- at dirrm noc/ip/apps/reportexpanded/tests
- at dirrm noc/ip/apps/reportexpanded
- at dirrm noc/ip/apps/reportallocated/tests
- at dirrm noc/ip/apps/reportallocated
- at dirrm noc/ip/apps/prefixaccess/tests
- at dirrm noc/ip/apps/prefixaccess
- at dirrm noc/ip/apps/ipam/tests
- at dirrm noc/ip/apps/ipam/templates
- at dirrm noc/ip/apps/ipam
- at dirrm noc/ip/apps/addressrange/tests
- at dirrm noc/ip/apps/addressrange
- at dirrm noc/ip/apps
- at dirrm noc/ip
- at dirrm noc/fm/rules/correlation
- at dirrm noc/fm/rules/classification/f5/BIGIP
- at dirrm noc/fm/rules/classification/f5
- at dirrm noc/fm/rules/classification/Zyxel/ZyNOS
- at dirrm noc/fm/rules/classification/Zyxel
- at dirrm noc/fm/rules/classification/OS/FreeBSD
- at dirrm noc/fm/rules/classification/OS
- at dirrm noc/fm/rules/classification/Linksys/SPS2xx
- at dirrm noc/fm/rules/classification/Linksys
- at dirrm noc/fm/rules/classification/Juniper/JUNOS
- at dirrm noc/fm/rules/classification/Juniper
- at dirrm noc/fm/rules/classification/Force10/FTOS
- at dirrm noc/fm/rules/classification/Force10
- at dirrm noc/fm/rules/classification/DLink/DxS
- at dirrm noc/fm/rules/classification/DLink/DES3xxx
- at dirrm noc/fm/rules/classification/DLink
- at dirrm noc/fm/rules/classification/Cisco/IOS
- at dirrm noc/fm/rules/classification/Cisco/AireOS
- at dirrm noc/fm/rules/classification/Cisco/ASA
- at dirrm noc/fm/rules/classification/Cisco
- at dirrm noc/fm/rules/classification/Audiocodes/Mediant2000
- at dirrm noc/fm/rules/classification/Audiocodes
- at dirrm noc/fm/rules/classification
- at dirrm noc/fm/rules/classes/Cisco/IOS
- at dirrm noc/fm/rules/classes/Cisco
- at dirrm noc/fm/rules/classes
- at dirrm noc/fm/rules
- at dirrm noc/fm/periodics
- at dirrm noc/fm/migrations
- at dirrm noc/fm/management/commands
- at dirrm noc/fm/management
- at dirrm noc/fm/apps/reportunclassifiedoids/tests
- at dirrm noc/fm/apps/reportunclassifiedoids
- at dirrm noc/fm/apps/reportmibs/tests
- at dirrm noc/fm/apps/reportmibs
- at dirrm noc/fm/apps/reporteventsummary/tests
- at dirrm noc/fm/apps/reporteventsummary
- at dirrm noc/fm/apps/reportclassificationrule/tests
- at dirrm noc/fm/apps/reportclassificationrule
- at dirrm noc/fm/apps/reportclassificationquality/tests
- at dirrm noc/fm/apps/reportclassificationquality
- at dirrm noc/fm/apps/mibview/tests
- at dirrm noc/fm/apps/mibview
- at dirrm noc/fm/apps/mib/tests
- at dirrm noc/fm/apps/mib/templates
- at dirrm noc/fm/apps/mib
- at dirrm noc/fm/apps/ignoreeventrules/tests
- at dirrm noc/fm/apps/ignoreeventrules
- at dirrm noc/fm/apps/eventpriority/tests
- at dirrm noc/fm/apps/eventpriority
- at dirrm noc/fm/apps/eventpostprocessingrule/tests
- at dirrm noc/fm/apps/eventpostprocessingrule/templates
- at dirrm noc/fm/apps/eventpostprocessingrule
- at dirrm noc/fm/apps/eventcorrelationrule/tests
- at dirrm noc/fm/apps/eventcorrelationrule/templates
- at dirrm noc/fm/apps/eventcorrelationrule
- at dirrm noc/fm/apps/eventclassificationrule/tests
- at dirrm noc/fm/apps/eventclassificationrule/templates
- at dirrm noc/fm/apps/eventclassificationrule
- at dirrm noc/fm/apps/eventclass/tests
- at dirrm noc/fm/apps/eventclass
- at dirrm noc/fm/apps/eventcategory/tests
- at dirrm noc/fm/apps/eventcategory
- at dirrm noc/fm/apps/eventarchivationrule/tests
- at dirrm noc/fm/apps/eventarchivationrule
- at dirrm noc/fm/apps/event/tests
- at dirrm noc/fm/apps/event/templates
- at dirrm noc/fm/apps/event
- at dirrm noc/fm/apps/activeproblems/tests
- at dirrm noc/fm/apps/activeproblems/templates
- at dirrm noc/fm/apps/activeproblems
- at dirrm noc/fm/apps
- at dirrm noc/fm
- at dirrm noc/dns/periodics
- at dirrm noc/dns/migrations
- at dirrm noc/dns/generators
- at dirrm noc/dns/apps/reportsupportedns/tests
- at dirrm noc/dns/apps/reportsupportedns
- at dirrm noc/dns/apps/reportnszonesummary/tests
- at dirrm noc/dns/apps/reportnszonesummary
- at dirrm noc/dns/apps/reportmissedreverse/tests
- at dirrm noc/dns/apps/reportmissedreverse
- at dirrm noc/dns/apps/reportmissedp2p/tests
- at dirrm noc/dns/apps/reportmissedp2p
- at dirrm noc/dns/apps/reportexpiringdomains/tests
- at dirrm noc/dns/apps/reportexpiringdomains
- at dirrm noc/dns/apps/reportduplicatedfqdns/tests
- at dirrm noc/dns/apps/reportduplicatedfqdns
- at dirrm noc/dns/apps/dnszonerecordtype/tests
- at dirrm noc/dns/apps/dnszonerecordtype
- at dirrm noc/dns/apps/dnszoneprofile/tests
- at dirrm noc/dns/apps/dnszoneprofile
- at dirrm noc/dns/apps/dnszone/tests
- at dirrm noc/dns/apps/dnszone/templates
- at dirrm noc/dns/apps/dnszone
- at dirrm noc/dns/apps/dnsserver/tests
- at dirrm noc/dns/apps/dnsserver
- at dirrm noc/dns/apps
- at dirrm noc/dns
- at dirrm noc/contrib
- at dirrm noc/cm/vcs
- at dirrm noc/cm/templatetags
- at dirrm noc/cm/templates
- at dirrm noc/cm/periodics
- at dirrm noc/cm/migrations
- at dirrm noc/cm/management/commands
- at dirrm noc/cm/management
- at dirrm noc/cm/apps/rpsl/tests
- at dirrm noc/cm/apps/rpsl/templates
- at dirrm noc/cm/apps/rpsl
- at dirrm noc/cm/apps/reportstaleconfigs/tests
- at dirrm noc/cm/apps/reportstaleconfigs
- at dirrm noc/cm/apps/reportlatestchanges/tests
- at dirrm noc/cm/apps/reportlatestchanges
- at dirrm noc/cm/apps/prefixlist/tests
- at dirrm noc/cm/apps/prefixlist/templates
- at dirrm noc/cm/apps/prefixlist
- at dirrm noc/cm/apps/objectnotify/tests
- at dirrm noc/cm/apps/objectnotify
- at dirrm noc/cm/apps/dns/tests
- at dirrm noc/cm/apps/dns/templates
- at dirrm noc/cm/apps/dns
- at dirrm noc/cm/apps/config/tests
- at dirrm noc/cm/apps/config/templates
- at dirrm noc/cm/apps/config
- at dirrm noc/cm/apps
- at dirrm noc/cm
- at dirrmtry noc/static/js
- at dirrmtry noc/static/img/favicon
- at dirrmtry noc/static/img
- at dirrmtry noc/static/doc
- at dirrmtry noc/static/css
- at dirrmtry noc/static/apps/kb/view/mediawiki
- at dirrmtry noc/static/apps/kb/view
- at dirrmtry noc/static/apps/kb
- at dirrmtry noc/static/apps/ip/ipam/css
- at dirrmtry noc/static/apps/ip/ipam
- at dirrmtry noc/static/apps/ip
- at dirrmtry noc/static/apps/fm/event/js
- at dirrmtry noc/static/apps/fm/event/css
- at dirrmtry noc/static/apps/fm/event
- at dirrmtry noc/static/apps/fm
- at dirrmtry noc/static/apps
- at dirrmtry noc/static
- at dirrmtry noc/local
- at dirrmtry noc/etc
- at dirrmtry noc
- at cwd %%NOCDBDIR%%
- at dirrmtry repo
- at dirrmtry backup
- at unexec rmdir %%NOCDBDIR%% 2>/dev/null || true
- at cwd /
- at dirrmtry %%LOCALSTATE_DIR%%
--- noc-0.6.4.patch ends here ---


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