ports/146352: [UPDATE] misc/mc to version 4.7.2

Andrei Lavreniyuk andy.lavr at gmail.com
Thu May 6 08:50:01 UTC 2010

>Number:         146352
>Category:       ports
>Synopsis:       [UPDATE] misc/mc to version 4.7.2
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       medium
>Responsible:    freebsd-ports-bugs
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Thu May 06 08:50:01 UTC 2010
>Originator:     Andrei Lavreniyuk
>Release:        FreeBSD 8.0-STABLE
Technica-03, Inc.
FreeBSD datacenter.technica-03.local 8.0-STABLE FreeBSD 8.0-STABLE #0: Tue May  4 12:44:34 EEST 2010     root at datacenter.technica-03.local:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/SMP64  amd64
Version 4.7.2                                                                      

- Core

    * Quick Search mode is defined by quick_search_case_sensitive option (#2022)
    * Mouse wheel doesn't change sorting preferences in panels (#2093)          
    * Interactive help is displayed with dynamically run-time formatting (#1561)
    * Improvement of double and single lines support in skins (#1648)           

- Editor

    * Remove selected text before input or paste from clipboard (in non persistent selection mode) (#2155)
    * Case insensitive syntax highlighting (#1770)                                                        
    * Current syntax scheme is highlighted in 'Choose syntax highlighting' dialog (#1754)                 
    * Added ini.syntax (#2126)                                                                            

- Viewer

    * Fixed jump to end of file

- Diff viewer

    * A built-in tool to visual compare and merge two files (#120, #2159)

- Misc

    * Added support for AM_SILENT_RULES (#2134)
    * Lot of code cleanups (#1949, #2041, #2078, #2097, #2119)
    * Renamed color keywords (#1660):                         
        - menu -> menunormal                                  
        - linestate -> editlinestate                          
    * Added new skins:                                        
        - nice and dark (#1791)                               
    * Updated file extension for "sh" (#2127)                 
    * Documentation updates                                   
    * Translation updates                                     

- Fixes

    * Segfault in panelization of file find results (#2068)
    * Segfault in standalone editor and viewer (#2087)     
    * Memory leaks (#2069, #2108)                          
    * If dialog was canceled, input line content is saved in history (#2082)
    * MC says "File exists" trying create directory with empty filename (#2014)
    * User asked twice about overwriting file in move across file systems (#2125)
    * Deleting symlink to directory scans dir structure first (#2121)            
    * Incorrect layout of file operation dialog in non-verbose mode (#2099)      
    * MC proposes ".." as a dirname with automatic name filling (#2056)          
    * MC treats files ending with a dot as gzip (#2114)                          
    * Broken default regexp mask in filecopy dialog (#2001)                      
    * Misleading label "Status:" in the Info panel (#2146)                       
    * Can't define help window background via skin (#1701)                       
    * i18n_checktimelength may vary depending on the season (#1671)              
    * Build breaks on ignored return values (#1897)                              
    * Incorrect cursor position after "Cursor beyond end of line" mode switched off (#2094)
    * Incorrect overwrite behavior with UTF-8 codeset in editor (#2081)                    
    * Incorrect toggling state of ruler in viewer (#2067)                                  
    * Superfluous "Search done, Continue from begining?" dialog in viewer (#2091)          
    * Turning on wrap mode does not scroll left/right the file view (#2107)                
    * Cannot scroll wrapped long lines in viewer (#2086)                                   
    * Fixed EOL/BOL movements in plain mode (#1734)                                        
    * Text area is not updated in hex mode (#2005)                                         
    * Incorrect handling of archives in EXTFS VFS (#1909)                                  
    * Segfault in symlink handling within archives                                         
    * urar EXTFS doesn't correctly show localized filenames in RAR archives (#2049)        
    * urar EXTFS: disable RAR/UNRAR user/system configuration for archive list and copyout operations (#2050)
    * Patches adding a single line are not shown correctly by patchfs (#2149)                                
    * uzip EXTFS: fixed Y2K bug (#2122)                                                                      

Version 4.7.1

- Core

    * Minimal required GLib version is 2.8 (#1980)
    * Reorganization of source tree structure (#1866, #2037)
    * States of all 'Find File' dialog checkboxes are saved in user configuration file (#1874, #1965)
    * New file type bindings:                                                                        
          o viewing .lyx with lyxcat, opening with lyx (#1693)                                       
    * Added shortcut (Meta-,) to toggle panels split (#1991)                                         
    * Capability to remove history items. !WListbox widget was fully reimplemented (#1445)           
    * Autodetect codepages of edited/viewed files with enca program (#1838)                          
    * Custom/locale-based date format (#1767)                                                        
    * New quick search behavior, allow wildcard characters - '*' and '?'(#2022)                      
    * Panels: new sort type 'by version' (#1994)                                                     
    * Added 'menuinactive' skin item to draw inactive visible main menu (#1999)                      
    * Added ability to show progressbars (when copy files) from right to left (#1443)                
    * Added indication of total BPS and ETA for file operations; fully rewrited FileOperations dialog (#1443)


    * Small reorganizing (#1931)
    * Easy plugable EXTFS VFS (#1909)

- Editor

    * Some simple optimization of syntax highlighting engine (#1843)
    * Show right margin using 'editor_show_right_margin' option. Keybind EditToggleShowMargin in [editor] section is used to toggle the state (#1514)
    * New editor action 'Mark all', new keybind EditMarkAll (#1945)                                                                                  
    * Changed default for 'Cursor beyond EOL', now it switched off by default (#1946)                                                                
    * Changed default color pair for 'editbold' (search result) to be more sensible (#1559)                                                          

- Viewer

    * Viewer is now very fast (#1585)
    * Added new confirm box for repeat search from begining of file (#1917)

- Misc

    * Lots of code cleanup (#1780, #1915, #1990)
    * Removed obsolete checks in configuration scripts (#262, #1932)
    * Documentation updates                                         
    * Translation updates                                           

- Fixes

    * MC won't compile on Solaris due to undefined constant NAME_MAX (#1943)
    * MC won't compile on AIX (#1957)                                       
    * Missing includes (#1930, #2017)                                       
    * Missing printf format (#1960)                                         
    * Memory and file descriptors leaks (#1953, #2028, #2053, #2058)        
    * Small error in versioning (#1905)                                     
    * Incorrect start up with some special paths (#1992)                    
    * Segfault in input line history (#1936)                                
    * MC crashes on exit when using C locale (#1942)                        
    * MC crashes at exit due to race conditions of destroying subshell and file manager (#2008)
    * Assertion failed for g_array_free (#1954)                                                
    * Broken transparency if MC is built with NCurses (#1657)                                  
    * Selections not visible on monochrome terminals (#1972)                                   
    * Colors of visible inactive menu (#1702)                                                  
    * Incorrect input line length in 'Edit symlink' dialog window (#1955)                      
    * Unquoted shell variables in user menu (#1967)                                            
    * Ctrl-\ key closes the NCurses-based MC (#1926)                                           
    * verbose option is always on after MC start (#1940)                                       
    * Show total progressbar (and related info) when copying just one subdirdir with lot of files (#1443)
    * Incorrecy movement in last line in editor (moving cursor to the empty last line) (#1956)           
    * Incorrect editor lock files check (#1935)                                                          
    * Segfault at try of edit (F4) archives with utf-8 names (x86_64 specified) (#1982)                  
    * Editor's search parameters are not retained across editing session (#1572)                         
    * EditColumnMark can't go up through newline (#1998)                                                 
    * 'Confirm replace' dialog is not converted from UTF-8 to user defined charset (#1986)               
    * Missed \s symbol in Syntax file (#2010)                                                            
    * Viewer in QuickView mode corrupts screen (#1918, #1944)                                            
    * ViewContinueSearch segfault on empty search (#1996)                                                
    * MC crashes if file name in archves contains '@' symbol (#1605)                                     
    * deba and debd VFS: items from DEBIAN directory are not accessible (#1920)                          
    * Samba is not built with tcc (#1933)                                                                
    * Incorrect conditional compilation of mcserver (#1925)                                              
    * Potencial security risk in mcserv (#1902)                                                          
    * The lslR VFS doesn't work with ls-lR files created in en_US.UTF-8 locale and with files and directories started with whitespaces (#1921)
    * Contents of RAR archives with filenames that contain / \d\d:\d\d / are not listed correctly (#2029)                                     
    * FTPFS: strcpy() is used for overlaping strings (#2018)                                                                                  


- Fixes

    * Fixed double free of memory in editor;
    * Fixed build with --disable-vfs option;
    * Fixed compile warnings about unused variables;
    * Fixed Fedora/RH RPM versioning scheme.


Patch attached with submission follows:

diff -ruN mc.bak/Makefile mc/Makefile
--- mc.bak/Makefile	2010-03-28 13:46:00.000000000 +0300
+++ mc/Makefile	2010-05-06 11:06:30.000000000 +0300
@@ -6,8 +6,7 @@
 CATEGORIES=	misc shells
 MASTER_SITES=	http://www.midnight-commander.org/downloads/ \
diff -ruN mc.bak/distinfo mc/distinfo
--- mc.bak/distinfo	2010-02-06 23:29:00.000000000 +0200
+++ mc/distinfo	2010-05-06 11:07:05.000000000 +0300
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-MD5 (mc- = 4618626cacd3481e39719a4571c1b5be
-SHA256 (mc- = 6f23757e1911f6e0e84ce41e53a09b2315576c57c564fccd0b783c4dd5756eb3
-SIZE (mc- = 2809115
+MD5 (mc-4.7.2.tar.bz2) = 82d0f923f686e462eeb739760f8c45bd
+SHA256 (mc-4.7.2.tar.bz2) = 804f3a789ca66cbd82f971588896b603191a738f27b9532355276ae6e4995c0e
+SIZE (mc-4.7.2.tar.bz2) = 2876328
diff -ruN mc.bak/files/patch-lib-util.c mc/files/patch-lib-util.c
--- mc.bak/files/patch-lib-util.c	2010-02-10 21:33:00.000000000 +0200
+++ mc/files/patch-lib-util.c	1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
---- lib/util.c.orig	2010-02-11 01:25:48.000000000 +0600
-+++ lib/util.c	2010-02-11 01:26:03.000000000 +0600
-@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@
- #include "lib/strutil.h"
- #include "src/file.h"		/* copy_file_file() */
-+#include "src/main.h"		/* eight_bit_clean */
- /*In order to use everywhere the same setup 
-   for the locale we use defines               */
diff -ruN mc.bak/files/patch-mc-wrapper mc/files/patch-mc-wrapper
--- mc.bak/files/patch-mc-wrapper	2010-02-27 08:43:00.000000000 +0200
+++ mc/files/patch-mc-wrapper	2010-05-06 11:26:55.000000000 +0300
@@ -1,18 +1,9 @@
---- contrib/mc-wrapper.csh.in.orig	Wed Nov  6 00:46:12 2002
-+++ contrib/mc-wrapper.csh.in	Tue Jun 15 03:16:29 2004
-@@ -14,5 +14,5 @@
+--- contrib/mc-wrapper.csh.in.orig	2010-03-13 22:29:13.000000000 +0200
++++ contrib/mc-wrapper.csh.in	2010-05-06 11:09:10.604685141 +0300
+@@ -16,5 +16,5 @@
  	unsetenv MC_PWD
 -rm -f "$MC_PWD_FILE"
 +/bin/rm -f "$MC_PWD_FILE"
  unsetenv MC_PWD_FILE
---- contrib/mc-wrapper.sh.in.orig	Wed Nov  6 00:46:12 2002
-+++ contrib/mc-wrapper.sh.in	Tue Jun 15 03:16:29 2004
-@@ -9,5 +9,5 @@
- 	unset MC_PWD
- fi
--rm -f "$MC_PWD_FILE"
-+/bin/rm -f "$MC_PWD_FILE"
- unset MC_PWD_FILE
diff -ruN mc.bak/files/patch-src-subshell.c mc/files/patch-src-subshell.c
--- mc.bak/files/patch-src-subshell.c	2010-02-27 08:43:00.000000000 +0200
+++ mc/files/patch-src-subshell.c	2010-05-06 11:27:03.000000000 +0300
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
---- src/subshell.c.orig	2010-02-06 15:34:55.000000000 +0600
-+++ src/subshell.c	2010-02-06 15:35:52.000000000 +0600
-@@ -948,7 +948,7 @@
-     wptr = fail_on_error ? &wtime : NULL;
+--- src/subshell.c.orig	2010-05-05 21:30:03.000000000 +0300
++++ src/subshell.c	2010-05-06 11:12:18.445345483 +0300
+@@ -1009,7 +1009,7 @@
-     while (1) {
--	if (!subshell_alive)
-+	if (!subshell_alive || !pty_buffer)
- 	    return FALSE;
+     while (TRUE)
+     {
+-        if (!subshell_alive)
++    if (!subshell_alive || !pty_buffer)
+             return FALSE;
- 	/* Prepare the file-descriptor set and call `select' */
+         /* Prepare the file-descriptor set and call `select' */
diff -ruN mc.bak/files/patch-ydiff.c mc/files/patch-ydiff.c
--- mc.bak/files/patch-ydiff.c	1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
+++ mc/files/patch-ydiff.c	2010-05-06 11:35:45.000000000 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+--- src/diffviewer/ydiff.c.orig	2010-05-05 21:33:16.000000000 +0300
++++ src/diffviewer/ydiff.c	2010-05-06 11:33:06.000000000 +0300
+@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include <sys/stat.h>
+ #include <sys/types.h>
++#include <sys/wait.h>
+ #include "lib/global.h"
+ #include "lib/tty/tty.h"


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