ports/143160: Updated ejabberd port

Mark Linimon linimon at lonesome.com
Mon Jan 25 22:50:06 UTC 2010

The following reply was made to PR ports/143160; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: Mark Linimon <linimon at lonesome.com>
To: bug-followup at FreeBSD.org
Subject: Re: ports/143160: Updated ejabberd port
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 2010 16:43:35 -0600

 ----- Forwarded message from Matias Surdi <matiassurdi at gmail.com> -----
 Subject: Re: ports/143160: Updated ejabberd port
 From: Matias Surdi <matiassurdi at gmail.com>
 To: Mark Linimon <linimon at lonesome.com>
 Sorry, the last patch I sent you is not the correct one.
 Here is the correct one.
 2010/1/25 Matias Surdi <matiassurdi at gmail.com>:
 > Ok, here is attached the output of:
 > diff -ruN /usr/ports/net-im/ejabberd ejabberd > patch.txt
 > Regarding to maintaining the port, I think I can do it. If at some
 > point in the future I can't continue with this, I'll let you know.
 > Thanks!
 > 2010/1/24 Mark Linimon <linimon at lonesome.com>:
 >> I've noticed that this port is unmaintained -- would you be willing to
 >> take over maintainership?
 > --
 > Matias Emanuel Surdi.
 diff -ruN /usr/ports/net-im/ejabberd/Makefile ejabberd2/Makefile
 --- /usr/ports/net-im/ejabberd/Makefile	2009-07-29 10:26:52.000000000 +0200
 +++ ejabberd2/Makefile	2010-01-25 14:57:40.000000000 +0100
 @@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
  PORTNAME=	ejabberd
  CATEGORIES=	net-im
  MASTER_SITES=	http://www.process-one.net/downloads/ejabberd/${PORTVERSION}/
 diff -ruN /usr/ports/net-im/ejabberd/distinfo ejabberd2/distinfo
 --- /usr/ports/net-im/ejabberd/distinfo	2009-05-29 20:01:26.000000000 +0200
 +++ ejabberd2/distinfo	2010-01-25 14:57:43.000000000 +0100
 @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
 -MD5 (ejabberd-2.0.5.tar.gz) = 2d85b47df969daf0a78ed3b16562d731
 -SHA256 (ejabberd-2.0.5.tar.gz) = 37ef90e2afa2b73a620bf71a096df48d5fde8f1cd669fac83d8c143a1295198c
 -SIZE (ejabberd-2.0.5.tar.gz) = 1796737
 +MD5 (ejabberd-2.1.2.tar.gz) = 9102802ae19312c26f85ceb977b519aa
 +SHA256 (ejabberd-2.1.2.tar.gz) = 354d6d1ecc1233b085d049963d5a90843f089b7d3d834809c410dbeb00974335
 +SIZE (ejabberd-2.1.2.tar.gz) = 2232307
 diff -ruN /usr/ports/net-im/ejabberd/files/patch-919-fileioserver ejabberd2/files/patch-919-fileioserver
 --- /usr/ports/net-im/ejabberd/files/patch-919-fileioserver	2009-07-28 09:11:01.000000000 +0200
 +++ ejabberd2/files/patch-919-fileioserver	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
 @@ -1,1219 +0,0 @@
 ---- Makefile.in
 -+++ Makefile.in
 -@@ -131,6 +131,14 @@ $(BEAMS): $(ERLBEHAVBEAMS)
 - all-recursive: $(ERLBEHAVBEAMS)
 -+# Workaround for R11, that is not capable of compiling the new file:
 -+	- at ERLC@ -W $(EFLAGS) ram_file_io_server.erl
 -+	@ERLC@ -W $(EFLAGS) ram_file_io_server_old.erl
 -+	[ -f ram_file_io_server.beam ] \
 -+		|| cp ram_file_io_server_old.beam ram_file_io_server.beam
 - %.beam:       %.erl
 - 	@ERLC@ -W $(EFLAGS) $<
 ---- ejabberd_loglevel.erl
 -+++ ejabberd_loglevel.erl
 -@@ -68,7 +68,8 @@ compile_string(Mod, Str) ->
 -     end.
 - open_ram_file(Fname) ->
 --    ram_file_io_server:start(self(), Fname, [read,write]).
 -+    RamModule = get_ram_module(),
 -+    RamModule:start(self(), Fname, [read,write]).
 - close_ram_file(Fd) ->
 -     file:close(Fd).
 -@@ -85,6 +86,14 @@ load_logger(Forms, Mod, Loglevel) ->
 -             ?CRITICAL_MSG("Error ~p~n", [Error])
 -     end.
 -+%% Workaround for R11 and R12, that don't support the new module
 -+get_ram_module() ->
 -+    [AS, BS, _] = string:tokens(erlang:system_info(version), "."),
 -+    case (list_to_integer(AS) >= 5) and (list_to_integer(BS) >= 7) of
 -+	true -> ram_file_io_server;
 -+	false -> ram_file_io_server_old
 -+    end.
 - %% --------------------------------------------------------------
 - %% Code of the ejabberd logger, dynamically compiled and loaded
 - %% This allows to dynamically change log level while keeping a
 ---- ram_file_io_server.erl
 -+++ ram_file_io_server.erl
 -@@ -25,7 +26,9 @@
 - -export([format_error/1]).
 - -export([start/3, start_link/3]).
 ---record(state, {handle,owner,mref,buf,read_mode}).
 -+-record(state, {handle,owner,mref,buf,read_mode,unic}).
 - -define(PRIM_FILE, ram_file).
 - -define(READ_SIZE_LIST, 128).
 -@@ -44,11 +47,11 @@ format_error(ErrorId) ->
 -     erl_posix_msg:message(ErrorId).
 - start(Owner, FileName, ModeList) 
 --  when pid(Owner), list(FileName), list(ModeList) ->
 -+  when is_pid(Owner), is_list(FileName), is_list(ModeList) ->
 -     do_start(spawn, Owner, FileName, ModeList).
 - start_link(Owner, FileName, ModeList) 
 --  when pid(Owner), list(FileName), list(ModeList) ->
 -+  when is_pid(Owner), is_list(FileName), is_list(ModeList) ->
 -     do_start(spawn_link, Owner, FileName, ModeList).
 - %%%-----------------------------------------------------------------
 -@@ -61,27 +64,27 @@ do_start(Spawn, Owner, FileName, ModeList) ->
 - 	erlang:Spawn(
 - 	  fun() ->
 - 		  %% process_flag(trap_exit, true),
 --		  {ReadMode,Opts} = 
 --		      case lists:member(binary, ModeList) of
 --			  true ->
 --			      {binary,ModeList};
 --			  false ->
 --			      {list,[binary|ModeList]}
 --		      end,
 --		  case ?PRIM_FILE:open(FileName, Opts) of
 --		      {error, Reason} = Error ->
 --			  Self ! {Ref, Error},
 --			  exit(Reason);
 --		      {ok, Handle} ->
 --			  %% XXX must I handle R6 nodes here?
 --			  M = erlang:monitor(process, Owner),
 --			  Self ! {Ref, ok},
 --			  server_loop(
 --			    #state{handle    = Handle,
 --				   owner     = Owner, 
 --				   mref      = M, 
 --				   buf       = <<>>,
 --				   read_mode = ReadMode})
 -+		  case parse_options(ModeList) of
 -+		      {ReadMode, UnicodeMode, Opts} ->
 -+			  case ?PRIM_FILE:open(FileName, Opts) of
 -+			      {error, Reason} = Error ->
 -+				  Self ! {Ref, Error},
 -+				  exit(Reason);
 -+			      {ok, Handle} ->
 -+				  %% XXX must I handle R6 nodes here?
 -+				  M = erlang:monitor(process, Owner),
 -+				  Self ! {Ref, ok},
 -+				  server_loop(
 -+				    #state{handle    = Handle,
 -+					   owner     = Owner, 
 -+					   mref      = M, 
 -+					   buf       = <<>>,
 -+					   read_mode = ReadMode,
 -+					   unic = UnicodeMode})
 -+			  end;
 -+		      {error,Reason1} = Error1 ->
 -+			  Self ! {Ref, Error1},
 -+			  exit(Reason1)
 - 		  end
 - 	  end),
 -     Mref = erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
 -@@ -102,9 +105,61 @@ do_start(Spawn, Owner, FileName, ModeList) ->
 - 	    {error, Reason}
 -     end.
 -+%%% Returns {ReadMode, UnicodeMode, RealOpts}
 -+parse_options(List) ->
 -+    parse_options(expand_encoding(List), list, latin1, []).
 -+parse_options([],list,Uni,Acc) ->
 -+    {list,Uni,[binary|lists:reverse(Acc)]};
 -+parse_options([],binary,Uni,Acc) ->
 -+    {binary,Uni,lists:reverse(Acc)};
 -+parse_options([{encoding, Encoding}|T],RMode,_,Acc) ->
 -+    case valid_enc(Encoding) of 
 -+	{ok, ExpandedEnc} ->
 -+	    parse_options(T,RMode,ExpandedEnc,Acc);
 -+	{error,Reason} ->
 -+	    {error,Reason}
 -+    end;
 -+parse_options([binary|T],_,Uni,Acc) ->
 -+    parse_options(T,binary,Uni,[binary|Acc]);
 -+parse_options([H|T],R,U,Acc) ->
 -+    parse_options(T,R,U,[H|Acc]).
 -+expand_encoding([]) ->
 -+    [];
 -+expand_encoding([latin1 | T]) ->
 -+    [{encoding,latin1} | expand_encoding(T)];
 -+expand_encoding([unicode | T]) ->
 -+    [{encoding,unicode} | expand_encoding(T)];
 -+expand_encoding([H|T]) ->
 -+    [H|expand_encoding(T)].
 -+valid_enc(latin1) ->
 -+    {ok,latin1};
 -+valid_enc(utf8) ->
 -+    {ok,unicode};
 -+valid_enc(unicode) ->
 -+    {ok,unicode};
 -+valid_enc(utf16) ->
 -+    {ok,{utf16,big}};
 -+valid_enc({utf16,big}) ->
 -+    {ok,{utf16,big}};
 -+valid_enc({utf16,little}) ->
 -+    {ok,{utf16,little}};
 -+valid_enc(utf32) ->
 -+    {ok,{utf32,big}};
 -+valid_enc({utf32,big}) ->
 -+    {ok,{utf32,big}};
 -+valid_enc({utf32,little}) ->
 -+    {ok,{utf32,little}};
 -+valid_enc(_Other) ->
 -+    {error,badarg}.
 - server_loop(#state{mref = Mref} = State) ->
 -     receive
 --	{file_request, From, ReplyAs, Request} when pid(From) ->
 -+	{file_request, From, ReplyAs, Request} when is_pid(From) ->
 - 	    case file_request(Request, State) of
 - 		{reply, Reply, NewState} ->
 - 		    file_reply(From, ReplyAs, Reply),
 -@@ -118,7 +173,7 @@ server_loop(#state{mref = Mref} = State) ->
 - 		    file_reply(From, ReplyAs, Reply),
 - 		    exit(Reason)
 - 	    end;
 --	{io_request, From, ReplyAs, Request} when pid(From) ->
 -+	{io_request, From, ReplyAs, Request} when is_pid(From) ->
 - 	    case io_request(Request, State) of
 - 		{reply, Reply, NewState} ->
 - 		    io_reply(From, ReplyAs, Reply),
 -@@ -152,7 +207,7 @@ file_request({pread,At,Sz},
 -     case position(Handle, At, Buf) of
 - 	{ok,_Offs} ->
 - 	    case ?PRIM_FILE:read(Handle, Sz) of
 --		{ok,Bin} when ReadMode==list ->
 -+		{ok,Bin} when ReadMode =:= list ->
 - 		    std_reply({ok,binary_to_list(Bin)}, State);
 - 		Reply ->
 - 		    std_reply(Reply, State)
 -@@ -203,42 +258,61 @@ std_reply(Reply, State) ->
 - %%%-----------------------------------------------------------------
 - %%% I/O request 
 --io_request({put_chars,Chars}, % binary(Chars) new in R9C
 -+%% New protocol with encoding tags (R13)
 -+io_request({put_chars, Enc, Chars}, 
 - 	   #state{buf= <<>>}=State) ->
 --    put_chars(Chars, State);
 --io_request({put_chars,Chars}, % binary(Chars) new in R9C
 -+    put_chars(Chars, Enc, State);
 -+io_request({put_chars, Enc, Chars}, 
 - 	   #state{handle=Handle,buf=Buf}=State) ->
 -     case position(Handle, cur, Buf) of
 - 	{error,_}=Reply ->
 - 	    {stop,normal,Reply,State#state{buf= <<>>}};
 - 	_ ->
 --	    put_chars(Chars, State#state{buf= <<>>})
 -+	    put_chars(Chars, Enc, State#state{buf= <<>>})
 -     end;
 - 	   #state{}=State) ->
 -     case catch apply(Mod, Func, Args) of
 --	Chars when list(Chars); binary(Chars) ->
 --	    io_request({put_chars,Chars}, State);
 -+	Chars when is_list(Chars); is_binary(Chars) ->
 -+	    io_request({put_chars,Enc,Chars}, State);
 - 	_ ->
 - 	    {error,{error,Func},State}
 -     end;
 --	   #state{}=State) ->
 --    get_chars(io_lib, get_until, {Mod, Func, XtraArgs}, State);
 --io_request({get_chars,_Prompt,N}, % New in R9C
 - 	   #state{}=State) ->
 --    get_chars(N, State);
 --io_request({get_chars,_Prompt,Mod,Func,XtraArg}, % New in R9C
 -+    get_chars(io_lib, get_until, {Mod, Func, XtraArgs}, Enc, State);
 - 	   #state{}=State) ->
 --    get_chars(Mod, Func, XtraArg, State);
 --io_request({get_line,_Prompt}, % New in R9C
 -+    get_chars(N, Enc, State);
 - 	   #state{}=State) ->
 --    get_chars(io_lib, collect_line, [], State);
 --io_request({setopts, Opts}, % New in R9C
 --	   #state{}=State) when list(Opts) ->
 -+    get_chars(io_lib, collect_line, [], Enc, State);
 -+io_request({setopts, Opts}, 
 -+	   #state{}=State) when is_list(Opts) ->
 -     setopts(Opts, State);
 -+	   #state{}=State) ->
 -+    getopts(State);
 -+%% BC with pre-R13 nodes
 -+io_request({put_chars, Chars},#state{}=State) ->
 -+    io_request({put_chars, latin1, Chars},State);
 -+io_request({put_chars,Mod,Func,Args}, #state{}=State) ->
 -+    io_request({put_chars,latin1,Mod,Func,Args}, State);
 -+io_request({get_until,_Prompt,Mod,Func,XtraArgs}, #state{}=State) ->
 -+    io_request({get_until,latin1,_Prompt,Mod,Func,XtraArgs}, State);
 -+io_request({get_chars,_Prompt,N}, #state{}=State) ->
 -+    io_request({get_chars,latin1,_Prompt,N}, State);
 -+io_request({get_line,_Prompt}, #state{}=State) ->
 -+    io_request({get_line,latin1,_Prompt}, State);
 - io_request({requests,Requests}, 
 --	   #state{}=State) when list(Requests) ->
 -+	   #state{}=State) when is_list(Requests) ->
 -     io_request_loop(Requests, {reply,ok,State});
 - io_request(Unknown, 
 - 	   #state{}=State) ->
 -@@ -265,76 +339,213 @@ io_request_loop([Request|Tail],
 - %% I/O request put_chars
 - %%
 --put_chars(Chars, #state{handle=Handle}=State) ->
 -+put_chars(Chars, latin1, #state{handle=Handle, unic=latin1}=State) ->
 -     case ?PRIM_FILE:write(Handle, Chars) of
 - 	{error,_}=Reply ->
 - 	    {stop,normal,Reply,State};
 - 	Reply ->
 - 	    {reply,Reply,State}
 -+    end;
 -+put_chars(Chars, InEncoding, #state{handle=Handle, unic=OutEncoding}=State) ->
 -+    case unicode:characters_to_binary(Chars,InEncoding,OutEncoding) of
 -+	Bin when is_binary(Bin) ->
 -+	    case ?PRIM_FILE:write(Handle, Bin) of
 -+		{error,_}=Reply ->
 -+		    {stop,normal,Reply,State};
 -+		Reply ->
 -+		    {reply,Reply,State}
 -+	    end;
 -+	{error,_,_} ->
 -+	    {stop,normal,{error,{no_translation, InEncoding, OutEncoding}},State}
 -     end.
 - %% Process the I/O request get_chars
 - %%
 --get_chars(0, #state{read_mode=ReadMode}=State) ->
 --    {reply,cast(<<>>, ReadMode),State};
 --get_chars(N, #state{buf=Buf,read_mode=ReadMode}=State) 
 --  when integer(N), N > 0, N =< size(Buf) ->
 -+get_chars(0, Enc, #state{read_mode=ReadMode,unic=InEncoding}=State) ->
 -+    {reply,cast(<<>>, ReadMode,InEncoding, Enc),State};
 -+get_chars(N, Enc, #state{buf=Buf,read_mode=ReadMode,unic=latin1}=State) 
 -+  when is_integer(N), N > 0, N =< byte_size(Buf) ->
 -+    {B1,B2} = split_binary(Buf, N),
 -+    {reply,cast(B1, ReadMode,latin1,Enc),State#state{buf=B2}};
 -+get_chars(N, Enc, #state{buf=Buf,read_mode=ReadMode,unic=latin1}=State) 
 -+  when is_integer(N), N > 0, N =< byte_size(Buf) ->
 -     {B1,B2} = split_binary(Buf, N),
 --    {reply,cast(B1, ReadMode),State#state{buf=B2}};
 --get_chars(N, #state{handle=Handle,buf=Buf,read_mode=ReadMode}=State) 
 --  when integer(N), N > 0 ->
 --    BufSize = size(Buf),
 -+    {reply,cast(B1, ReadMode,latin1,Enc),State#state{buf=B2}};
 -+get_chars(N, OutEnc,#state{handle=Handle,buf=Buf,read_mode=ReadMode,unic=latin1}=State) 
 -+  when is_integer(N), N > 0 ->
 -+    BufSize = byte_size(Buf),
 -     NeedSize = N-BufSize,
 --    Size = max(NeedSize, ?READ_SIZE_BINARY),
 -+    Size = erlang:max(NeedSize, ?READ_SIZE_BINARY),
 -     case ?PRIM_FILE:read(Handle, Size) of
 - 	{ok, B} ->
 --	    if BufSize+size(B) < N ->
 --		    std_reply(cat(Buf, B, ReadMode), State);
 -+	    if BufSize+byte_size(B) < N ->
 -+		    std_reply(cat(Buf, B, ReadMode,latin1,OutEnc), State);
 - 	       true ->
 - 		    {B1,B2} = split_binary(B, NeedSize),
 --		    {reply,cat(Buf, B1, ReadMode),State#state{buf=B2}}
 -+		    {reply,cat(Buf, B1, ReadMode, latin1,OutEnc),State#state{buf=B2}}
 - 	    end;
 --	eof when BufSize==0 ->
 -+	eof when BufSize =:= 0 ->
 - 	    {reply,eof,State};
 - 	eof ->
 --	    std_reply(cast(Buf, ReadMode), State);
 -+	    std_reply(cast(Buf, ReadMode,latin1,OutEnc), State);
 - 	{error,Reason}=Error ->
 - 	    {stop,Reason,Error,State#state{buf= <<>>}}
 -     end;
 --get_chars(_N, #state{}=State) ->
 -+get_chars(N, OutEnc,#state{handle=Handle,buf=Buf,read_mode=ReadMode,unic=InEncoding}=State) 
 -+  when is_integer(N), N > 0 ->
 -+    try
 -+	%% This is rather tricky, we need to count the actual number of characters 
 -+	%% in the buffer first as unicode characters are not constant in length
 -+	{BufCount, SplitPos} = count_and_find(Buf,N,InEncoding),
 -+	case BufCount >= N of
 -+	    true ->
 -+		{B1,B2} = case SplitPos of
 -+			      none -> {Buf,<<>>};
 -+			      _ ->split_binary(Buf,SplitPos)
 -+			  end,
 -+		{reply,cast(B1, ReadMode,InEncoding,OutEnc),State#state{buf=B2}};
 -+	    false ->
 -+		%% Need more, Try to read 4*needed in bytes...
 -+		NeedSize = (N - BufCount) * 4,
 -+		Size = erlang:max(NeedSize, ?READ_SIZE_BINARY),
 -+		case ?PRIM_FILE:read(Handle, Size) of
 -+		    {ok, B} ->
 -+			NewBuf = list_to_binary([Buf,B]),
 -+			{NewCount,NewSplit} = count_and_find(NewBuf,N,InEncoding),
 -+			case NewCount >= N of
 -+			    true ->
 -+				{B01,B02} = case NewSplit of
 -+						none -> {NewBuf,<<>>};
 -+						_ ->split_binary(NewBuf, NewSplit)
 -+					    end,
 -+				{reply,cast(B01, ReadMode,InEncoding,OutEnc),
 -+				 State#state{buf=B02}};
 -+			    false ->
 -+				%% Reached end of file
 -+				std_reply(cast(NewBuf, ReadMode,InEncoding,OutEnc), 
 -+					  State#state{buf = <<>>})
 -+			end;
 -+		    eof when BufCount =:= 0 ->
 -+			{reply,eof,State};
 -+		    eof ->
 -+			std_reply(cast(Buf, ReadMode,InEncoding,OutEnc), State#state{buf = <<>>});
 -+		    {error,Reason}=Error ->
 -+			{stop,Reason,Error,State#state{buf = <<>>}}
 -+		end
 -+	end
 -+    catch
 -+	exit:ExError ->
 -+	    {stop,ExError,{error,ExError},State#state{buf= <<>>}}
 -+    end;
 -+get_chars(_N, _, #state{}=State) ->
 -     {error,{error,get_chars},State}.
 --get_chars(Mod, Func, XtraArg, #state{buf= <<>>}=State) ->
 --    get_chars_empty(Mod, Func, XtraArg, start, State);
 --get_chars(Mod, Func, XtraArg, #state{buf=Buf}=State) ->
 --    get_chars_apply(Mod, Func, XtraArg, start, State#state{buf= <<>>}, Buf).
 -+get_chars(Mod, Func, XtraArg, OutEnc, #state{buf= <<>>}=State) ->
 -+    get_chars_empty(Mod, Func, XtraArg, start, OutEnc, State);
 -+get_chars(Mod, Func, XtraArg, OutEnc, #state{buf=Buf}=State) ->
 -+    get_chars_apply(Mod, Func, XtraArg, start, OutEnc, State#state{buf= <<>>}, Buf).
 --get_chars_empty(Mod, Func, XtraArg, S, 
 -+get_chars_empty(Mod, Func, XtraArg, S, latin1,
 -+		#state{handle=Handle,read_mode=ReadMode, unic=latin1}=State) ->
 -+    case ?PRIM_FILE:read(Handle, read_size(ReadMode)) of
 -+	{ok,Bin} ->
 -+	    get_chars_apply(Mod, Func, XtraArg, S, latin1, State, Bin);
 -+	eof ->
 -+	    get_chars_apply(Mod, Func, XtraArg, S, latin1, State, eof);
 -+	{error,Reason}=Error ->
 -+	    {stop,Reason,Error,State}
 -+    end;
 -+get_chars_empty(Mod, Func, XtraArg, S, OutEnc,
 - 		#state{handle=Handle,read_mode=ReadMode}=State) ->
 -     case ?PRIM_FILE:read(Handle, read_size(ReadMode)) of
 - 	{ok,Bin} ->
 --	    get_chars_apply(Mod, Func, XtraArg, S, State, Bin);
 -+	    get_chars_apply(Mod, Func, XtraArg, S, OutEnc, State, Bin);
 -+	eof ->
 -+	    get_chars_apply(Mod, Func, XtraArg, S, OutEnc, State, eof);
 -+	{error,Reason}=Error ->
 -+	    {stop,Reason,Error,State}
 -+    end.
 -+get_chars_notempty(Mod, Func, XtraArg, S, OutEnc,
 -+		   #state{handle=Handle,read_mode=ReadMode,buf = B}=State) ->
 -+    case ?PRIM_FILE:read(Handle, read_size(ReadMode)) of
 -+	{ok,Bin} ->
 -+	    get_chars_apply(Mod, Func, XtraArg, S, OutEnc, State, list_to_binary([Bin,B]));
 - 	eof ->
 --	    get_chars_apply(Mod, Func, XtraArg, S, State, eof);
 -+	    case B of
 -+		<<>> ->
 -+		    get_chars_apply(Mod, Func, XtraArg, S, OutEnc, State, eof);
 -+		_ ->
 -+		    {stop,invalid_unicode,{error,invalid_unicode},State}
 -+	    end;
 - 	{error,Reason}=Error ->
 - 	    {stop,Reason,Error,State}
 -     end.
 --get_chars_apply(Mod, Func, XtraArg, S0, 
 --		#state{read_mode=ReadMode}=State, Data0) ->
 -+get_chars_apply(Mod, Func, XtraArg, S0, latin1,
 -+		#state{read_mode=ReadMode,unic=latin1}=State, Data0) ->
 -     Data1 = case ReadMode of
 --	       list when binary(Data0) -> binary_to_list(Data0);
 -+	       list when is_binary(Data0) -> binary_to_list(Data0);
 - 	       _ -> Data0
 - 	    end,
 --    case catch Mod:Func(S0, Data1, XtraArg) of
 -+    case catch Mod:Func(S0, Data1, latin1, XtraArg) of
 - 	{stop,Result,Buf} ->
 - 	    {reply,Result,State#state{buf=cast_binary(Buf)}};
 - 	{'EXIT',Reason} ->
 - 	    {stop,Reason,{error,err_func(Mod, Func, XtraArg)},State};
 - 	S1 ->
 --	    get_chars_empty(Mod, Func, XtraArg, S1, State)
 -+	    get_chars_empty(Mod, Func, XtraArg, S1, latin1, State)
 -+    end;
 -+get_chars_apply(Mod, Func, XtraArg, S0, OutEnc,
 -+		#state{read_mode=ReadMode,unic=InEnc}=State, Data0) ->
 -+    try 
 -+	{Data1,NewBuff} = case ReadMode of
 -+			      list when is_binary(Data0) -> 
 -+				  case unicode:characters_to_list(Data0,InEnc) of
 -+				      {Tag,Decoded,Rest} when Decoded =/= [], Tag =:= error; Decoded =/= [], Tag =:= incomplete ->
 -+					  {Decoded,erlang:iolist_to_binary(Rest)};
 -+				      {Tag, [], _} when Tag =:= error; Tag =:= incomplete -> 
 -+					  exit(invalid_unicode);
 -+				      List when is_list(List) ->
 -+					  {List,<<>>}
 -+				  end;
 -+			      binary when is_binary(Data0) ->
 -+				  case unicode:characters_to_binary(Data0,InEnc,OutEnc) of
 -+				      {Tag2,Decoded2,Rest2} when Decoded2 =/= <<>>, Tag2 =:= error; Decoded2 =/= <<>>, Tag2 =:= incomplete ->
 -+					  {Decoded2,erlang:iolist_to_binary(Rest2)};
 -+				      {Tag2, <<>>, _} when Tag2 =:= error; Tag2 =:= incomplete ->
 -+					  exit(invalid_unicode);
 -+				      Binary when is_binary(Binary) ->
 -+					  {Binary,<<>>}
 -+				  end;
 -+			      _ -> %i.e. eof
 -+				  {Data0,<<>>}
 -+			  end,
 -+	case catch Mod:Func(S0, Data1, OutEnc, XtraArg) of
 -+	    {stop,Result,Buf} ->
 -+		{reply,Result,State#state{buf = (if
 -+						     is_binary(Buf) ->
 -+							 unicode:characters_to_binary(Buf,OutEnc,InEnc);
 -+						     is_list(Buf) ->
 -+							 unicode:characters_to_binary(Buf,unicode,InEnc);
 -+						     true ->
 -+							 <<>>
 -+						end)}};
 -+	    {'EXIT',Reason} ->
 -+		{stop,Reason,{error,err_func(Mod, Func, XtraArg)},State};
 -+	    S1 ->
 -+		get_chars_notempty(Mod, Func, XtraArg, S1, OutEnc, State#state{buf=NewBuff})
 -+	end
 -+    catch
 -+	exit:ExReason ->
 -+	   {stop,ExReason,{error,err_func(Mod, Func, XtraArg)},State};
 -+	error:ErrReason ->
 -+	   {stop,ErrReason,{error,err_func(Mod, Func, XtraArg)},State}
 -     end.
 - %% Convert error code to make it look as before
 - err_func(io_lib, get_until, {_,F,_}) ->
 -@@ -347,35 +558,100 @@ err_func(_, F, _) ->
 - %% Process the I/O request setopts
 - %%
 - %% setopts
 --setopts(Opts0, State) ->
 --    Opts = proplists:substitute_negations([{list,binary}], Opts0),
 --    case proplists:get_value(binary, Opts) of
 -+setopts(Opts0,State) ->
 -+    Opts = proplists:unfold(
 -+	     proplists:substitute_negations(
 -+	       [{list,binary}], 
 -+	       expand_encoding(Opts0))),
 -+    case check_valid_opts(Opts) of
 - 	true ->
 --	    {ok,ok,State#state{read_mode=binary}};
 -+	    do_setopts(Opts,State);
 - 	false ->
 --	    {ok,ok,State#state{read_mode=list}};
 -+	    {error,{error,enotsup},State}
 -+    end.
 -+check_valid_opts([]) ->
 -+    true;
 -+check_valid_opts([{binary,_}|T]) ->
 -+    check_valid_opts(T);
 -+check_valid_opts([{encoding,_Enc}|T]) ->
 -+    check_valid_opts(T);
 -+check_valid_opts(_) ->
 -+    false.
 -+do_setopts(Opts, State) ->
 -+    case valid_enc(proplists:get_value(encoding, Opts, State#state.unic)) of
 -+	{ok,NewUnic} ->
 -+	    case proplists:get_value(binary, Opts) of
 -+		true ->
 -+		    {reply,ok,State#state{read_mode=binary, unic=NewUnic}};
 -+		false ->
 -+		    {reply,ok,State#state{read_mode=list, unic=NewUnic}};
 -+		undefined ->
 -+		    {reply,ok,State#state{unic=NewUnic}}
 -+	    end;
 - 	_ ->
 --	    {error,{error,badarg},State}
 -+	    {error,{error,badarg},State} 
 -     end.
 -+getopts(#state{read_mode=RM, unic=Unic} = State) ->
 -+    Bin = {binary, case RM of
 -+		       binary ->
 -+			   true;
 -+		       _ ->
 -+			   false
 -+		   end},
 -+    Uni = {encoding, Unic},
 -+    {reply,[Bin,Uni],State}.
 - %% Concatenate two binaries and convert the result to list or binary
 --cat(B1, B2, binary) ->
 -+cat(B1, B2, binary,latin1,latin1) ->
 -     list_to_binary([B1,B2]);
 --cat(B1, B2, list) ->
 -+cat(B1, B2, binary,InEncoding,OutEncoding) ->
 -+    case unicode:characters_to_binary([B1,B2],InEncoding,OutEncoding) of
 -+	Good when is_binary(Good) ->
 -+	    Good;
 -+	_ ->
 -+	    exit({no_translation,InEncoding,OutEncoding})
 -+    end;
 -+%% Dialyzer finds this is never used...                                                       
 -+%% cat(B1, B2, list, InEncoding, OutEncoding) when InEncoding =/= latin1 ->
 -+%%     % Catch i.e. unicode -> latin1 errors by using the outencoding although otherwise
 -+%%     % irrelevant for lists...
 -+%%     try
 -+%% 	unicode:characters_to_list(unicode:characters_to_binary([B1,B2],InEncoding,OutEncoding),
 -+%% 				   OutEncoding)
 -+%%     catch
 -+%% 	error:_ ->
 -+%% 	    exit({no_translation,InEncoding,OutEncoding})
 -+%%     end.
 -+cat(B1, B2, list, latin1,_) ->
 -     binary_to_list(B1)++binary_to_list(B2).
 - %% Cast binary to list or binary
 --cast(B, binary) ->
 -+cast(B, binary, latin1, latin1) ->
 -     B;
 --cast(B, list) ->
 --    binary_to_list(B).
 -+cast(B, binary, InEncoding, OutEncoding) ->
 -+    case unicode:characters_to_binary(B,InEncoding,OutEncoding) of
 -+	Good when is_binary(Good) ->
 -+	    Good;
 -+	_ ->
 -+	    exit({no_translation,InEncoding,OutEncoding})
 -+    end;
 -+cast(B, list, latin1, _) ->
 -+    binary_to_list(B);
 -+cast(B, list, InEncoding, OutEncoding) ->
 -+    try
 -+	unicode:characters_to_list(unicode:characters_to_binary(B,InEncoding,OutEncoding),
 -+				   OutEncoding)
 -+    catch
 -+	error:_ ->
 -+	    exit({no_translation,InEncoding,OutEncoding})
 -+    end.
 - %% Convert buffer to binary
 --cast_binary(Binary) when binary(Binary) ->
 -+cast_binary(Binary) when is_binary(Binary) ->
 -     Binary;
 --cast_binary(List) when list(List) ->
 -+cast_binary(List) when is_list(List) ->
 -     list_to_binary(List);
 - cast_binary(_EOF) ->
 -     <<>>.
 -@@ -386,10 +662,150 @@ read_size(binary) ->
 - read_size(list) ->
 --max(A, B) when A >= B ->
 --    A;
 --max(_, B) ->
 --    B.
 -+%% Utf utility
 -+count_and_find(Bin,N,Encoding) ->
 -+    cafu(Bin,N,0,0,none,case Encoding of 
 -+			   unicode -> utf8;
 -+			   Oth -> Oth
 -+			end).
 -+cafu(<<>>,0,Count,ByteCount,_SavePos,_) ->
 -+    {Count,ByteCount};
 -+cafu(<<>>,_N,Count,_ByteCount,SavePos,_) ->
 -+    {Count,SavePos};
 -+cafu(<<_/utf8,Rest/binary>>, 0, Count, ByteCount, _SavePos, utf8) ->
 -+    cafu(Rest,-1,Count+1,0,ByteCount,utf8);
 -+cafu(<<_/utf8,Rest/binary>>, N, Count, _ByteCount, SavePos, utf8) when N < 0 ->
 -+    cafu(Rest,-1,Count+1,0,SavePos,utf8);
 -+cafu(<<_/utf8,Rest/binary>> = Whole, N, Count, ByteCount, SavePos, utf8) ->
 -+    Delta = byte_size(Whole) - byte_size(Rest),
 -+    cafu(Rest,N-1,Count+1,ByteCount+Delta,SavePos,utf8);
 -+cafu(<<_/utf16-big,Rest/binary>>, 0, Count, ByteCount, _SavePos, {utf16,big}) ->
 -+    cafu(Rest,-1,Count+1,0,ByteCount,{utf16,big});
 -+cafu(<<_/utf16-big,Rest/binary>>, N, Count, _ByteCount, SavePos, {utf16,big}) when N < 0 ->
 -+    cafu(Rest,-1,Count+1,0,SavePos,{utf16,big});
 -+cafu(<<_/utf16-big,Rest/binary>> = Whole, N, Count, ByteCount, SavePos, {utf16,big}) ->
 -+    Delta = byte_size(Whole) - byte_size(Rest),
 -+    cafu(Rest,N-1,Count+1,ByteCount+Delta,SavePos,{utf16,big});
 -+cafu(<<_/utf16-little,Rest/binary>>, 0, Count, ByteCount, _SavePos, {utf16,little}) ->
 -+    cafu(Rest,-1,Count+1,0,ByteCount,{utf16,little});
 -+cafu(<<_/utf16-little,Rest/binary>>, N, Count, _ByteCount, SavePos, {utf16,little}) when N < 0 ->
 -+    cafu(Rest,-1,Count+1,0,SavePos,{utf16,little});
 -+cafu(<<_/utf16-little,Rest/binary>> = Whole, N, Count, ByteCount, SavePos, {utf16,little}) ->
 -+    Delta = byte_size(Whole) - byte_size(Rest),
 -+    cafu(Rest,N-1,Count+1,ByteCount+Delta,SavePos,{utf16,little});
 -+cafu(<<_/utf32-big,Rest/binary>>, 0, Count, ByteCount, _SavePos, {utf32,big}) ->
 -+    cafu(Rest,-1,Count+1,0,ByteCount,{utf32,big});
 -+cafu(<<_/utf32-big,Rest/binary>>, N, Count, _ByteCount, SavePos, {utf32,big}) when N < 0 ->
 -+    cafu(Rest,-1,Count+1,0,SavePos,{utf32,big});
 -+cafu(<<_/utf32-big,Rest/binary>> = Whole, N, Count, ByteCount, SavePos, {utf32,big}) ->
 -+    Delta = byte_size(Whole) - byte_size(Rest),
 -+    cafu(Rest,N-1,Count+1,ByteCount+Delta,SavePos,{utf32,big});
 -+cafu(<<_/utf32-little,Rest/binary>>, 0, Count, ByteCount, _SavePos, {utf32,little}) ->
 -+    cafu(Rest,-1,Count+1,0,ByteCount,{utf32,little});
 -+cafu(<<_/utf32-little,Rest/binary>>, N, Count, _ByteCount, SavePos, {utf32,little}) when N < 0 ->
 -+    cafu(Rest,-1,Count+1,0,SavePos,{utf32,little});
 -+cafu(<<_/utf32-little,Rest/binary>> = Whole, N, Count, ByteCount, SavePos, {utf32,little}) ->
 -+    Delta = byte_size(Whole) - byte_size(Rest),
 -+    cafu(Rest,N-1,Count+1,ByteCount+Delta,SavePos,{utf32,little});
 -+cafu(_Other,0,Count,ByteCount,_,_) -> % Non Unicode character, 
 -+                                     % but found our point, OK this time
 -+    {Count,ByteCount};
 -+cafu(Other,_N,Count,0,_SavePos,Enc) -> % Not enough, but valid chomped unicode
 -+                                       % at end.
 -+    case cbv(Enc,Other) of
 -+	false ->
 -+	    exit(invalid_unicode);
 -+	_ ->
 -+	    {Count,none}
 -+    end;
 -+cafu(Other,_N,Count,ByteCount,none,Enc) -> % Return what we'we got this far
 -+					   % although not complete, 
 -+					   % it's not (yet) in error
 -+    case cbv(Enc,Other) of
 -+	false ->
 -+	    exit(invalid_unicode);
 -+	_ ->
 -+	    {Count,ByteCount}
 -+    end;
 -+cafu(Other,_N,Count,_ByteCount,SavePos,Enc) -> % As above but we have 
 -+					       % found a position
 -+    case cbv(Enc,Other) of
 -+	false ->
 -+	    exit(invalid_unicode);
 -+	_ ->
 -+	    {Count,SavePos}
 -+    end.
 -+%% Bluntly stolen from stdlib/unicode.erl (cbv means can be valid?)
 -+cbv(utf8,<<1:1,1:1,0:1,_:5>>) -> 
 -+    1;
 -+cbv(utf8,<<1:1,1:1,1:1,0:1,_:4,R/binary>>) -> 
 -+    case R of
 -+	<<>> ->
 -+	    2;
 -+	<<1:1,0:1,_:6>> ->
 -+	    1;
 -+	_ ->
 -+	    false
 -+    end;
 -+cbv(utf8,<<1:1,1:1,1:1,1:1,0:1,_:3,R/binary>>) ->
 -+    case R of
 -+	<<>> ->
 -+	    3;
 -+	<<1:1,0:1,_:6>> ->
 -+	    2;
 -+	<<1:1,0:1,_:6,1:1,0:1,_:6>> ->
 -+	    1;
 -+	_ ->
 -+	    false
 -+    end;
 -+cbv(utf8,_) ->
 -+    false;
 -+cbv({utf16,big},<<A:8>>) when A =< 215; A >= 224 ->
 -+    1;
 -+cbv({utf16,big},<<54:6,_:2>>) ->
 -+    3;
 -+cbv({utf16,big},<<54:6,_:10>>) ->
 -+    2;
 -+cbv({utf16,big},<<54:6,_:10,55:6,_:2>>) ->
 -+    1;
 -+cbv({utf16,big},_) ->
 -+    false;
 -+cbv({utf16,little},<<_:8>>) ->
 -+    1; % or 3, we'll see
 -+cbv({utf16,little},<<_:8,54:6,_:2>>) ->
 -+    2;
 -+cbv({utf16,little},<<_:8,54:6,_:2,_:8>>) ->
 -+    1;
 -+cbv({utf16,little},_) ->
 -+    false;
 -+cbv({utf32,big}, <<0:8>>) ->
 -+    3;
 -+cbv({utf32,big}, <<0:8,X:8>>) when X =< 16 ->
 -+    2;
 -+cbv({utf32,big}, <<0:8,X:8,Y:8>>) 
 -+  when X =< 16, ((X > 0) or ((Y =< 215) or (Y >= 224))) ->
 -+    1;
 -+cbv({utf32,big},_) ->
 -+    false;
 -+cbv({utf32,little},<<_:8>>) ->
 -+    3;
 -+cbv({utf32,little},<<_:8,_:8>>) -> 
 -+    2;
 -+cbv({utf32,little},<<X:8,255:8,0:8>>) when X =:= 254; X =:= 255 ->
 -+    false;
 -+  when X =< 16, ((X > 0) or ((Y =< 215) or (Y >= 224))) ->
 -+    1;
 -+cbv({utf32,little},_) ->
 -+    false.
 - %%%-----------------------------------------------------------------
 - %%% ?PRIM_FILE helpers
 -@@ -399,10 +815,10 @@ max(_, B) ->
 - position(Handle, cur, Buf) ->
 -     position(Handle, {cur, 0}, Buf);
 --position(Handle, {cur, Offs}, Buf) when list(Buf) ->
 -+position(Handle, {cur, Offs}, Buf) when is_list(Buf) ->
 -     ?PRIM_FILE:position(Handle, {cur, Offs-length(Buf)});
 --position(Handle, {cur, Offs}, Buf) when binary(Buf) ->
 --    ?PRIM_FILE:position(Handle, {cur, Offs-size(Buf)});
 -+position(Handle, {cur, Offs}, Buf) when is_binary(Buf) ->
 -+    ?PRIM_FILE:position(Handle, {cur, Offs-byte_size(Buf)});
 - position(Handle, At, _Buf) ->
 -     ?PRIM_FILE:position(Handle, At).
 ---- /dev/null
 -+++ ram_file_io_server_old.erl
 -@@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
 -+%% ``The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
 -+%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
 -+%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
 -+%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
 -+%% retrieved via the world wide web at http://www.erlang.org/.
 -+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
 -+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
 -+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
 -+%% under the License.
 -+%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ericsson Utvecklings AB.
 -+%% Portions created by Ericsson are Copyright 1999, Ericsson Utvecklings
 -+%% AB. All Rights Reserved.''
 -+%%     $Id$
 -+%% This file is mostly copied from Erlang file_io_server.erl
 -+%% See: http://www.erlang.org/ml-archive/erlang-questions/200607/msg00080.html
 -+%% for details on ram_file_io_server.erl (Erlang OTP R11B-2)
 -+%% A simple file server for io to one file instance per server instance.
 -+-export([start/3, start_link/3]).
 -+-record(state, {handle,owner,mref,buf,read_mode}).
 -+-define(PRIM_FILE, ram_file).
 -+-define(READ_SIZE_LIST, 128).
 -+-define(READ_SIZE_BINARY, (8*1024)).
 -+-define(eat_message(M, T), receive M -> M after T -> timeout end).
 -+%%% Exported functions
 -+format_error({_Line, ?MODULE, Reason}) ->
 -+    io_lib:format("~w", [Reason]);
 -+format_error({_Line, Mod, Reason}) ->
 -+    Mod:format_error(Reason);
 -+format_error(ErrorId) ->
 -+    erl_posix_msg:message(ErrorId).
 -+start(Owner, FileName, ModeList) 
 -+  when pid(Owner), list(FileName), list(ModeList) ->
 -+    do_start(spawn, Owner, FileName, ModeList).
 -+start_link(Owner, FileName, ModeList) 
 -+  when pid(Owner), list(FileName), list(ModeList) ->
 -+    do_start(spawn_link, Owner, FileName, ModeList).
 -+%%% Server starter, dispatcher and helpers
 -+do_start(Spawn, Owner, FileName, ModeList) ->
 -+    Self = self(),
 -+    Ref = make_ref(),
 -+    Pid = 
 -+	erlang:Spawn(
 -+	  fun() ->
 -+		  %% process_flag(trap_exit, true),
 -+		  {ReadMode,Opts} = 
 -+		      case lists:member(binary, ModeList) of
 -+			  true ->
 -+			      {binary,ModeList};
 -+			  false ->
 -+			      {list,[binary|ModeList]}
 -+		      end,
 -+		  case ?PRIM_FILE:open(FileName, Opts) of
 -+		      {error, Reason} = Error ->
 -+			  Self ! {Ref, Error},
 -+			  exit(Reason);
 -+		      {ok, Handle} ->
 -+			  %% XXX must I handle R6 nodes here?
 -+			  M = erlang:monitor(process, Owner),
 -+			  Self ! {Ref, ok},
 -+			  server_loop(
 -+			    #state{handle    = Handle,
 -+				   owner     = Owner, 
 -+				   mref      = M, 
 -+				   buf       = <<>>,
 -+				   read_mode = ReadMode})
 -+		  end
 -+	  end),
 -+    Mref = erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
 -+    receive
 -+	{Ref, {error, _Reason} = Error} ->
 -+	    erlang:demonitor(Mref),
 -+	    receive {'DOWN', Mref, _, _, _} -> ok after 0 -> ok end,
 -+	    Error;
 -+	{Ref, ok} ->
 -+	    erlang:demonitor(Mref),
 -+	    receive
 -+		{'DOWN', Mref, _, _, Reason} ->
 -+		    {error, Reason}
 -+	    after 0 ->
 -+		    {ok, Pid}
 -+	    end;
 -+	{'DOWN', Mref, _, _, Reason} ->
 -+	    {error, Reason}
 -+    end.
 -+server_loop(#state{mref = Mref} = State) ->
 -+    receive
 -+	{file_request, From, ReplyAs, Request} when pid(From) ->
 -+	    case file_request(Request, State) of
 -+		{reply, Reply, NewState} ->
 -+		    file_reply(From, ReplyAs, Reply),
 -+		    server_loop(NewState);
 -+		{error, Reply, NewState} ->
 -+		    %% error is the same as reply, except that
 -+		    %% it breaks the io_request_loop further down
 -+		    file_reply(From, ReplyAs, Reply),
 -+		    server_loop(NewState);
 -+		{stop, Reason, Reply, _NewState} ->
 -+		    file_reply(From, ReplyAs, Reply),
 -+		    exit(Reason)
 -+	    end;
 -+	{io_request, From, ReplyAs, Request} when pid(From) ->
 -+	    case io_request(Request, State) of
 -+		{reply, Reply, NewState} ->
 -+		    io_reply(From, ReplyAs, Reply),
 -+		    server_loop(NewState);
 -+		{error, Reply, NewState} ->
 -+		    %% error is the same as reply, except that
 -+		    %% it breaks the io_request_loop further down
 -+		    io_reply(From, ReplyAs, Reply),
 -+		    server_loop(NewState);
 -+		{stop, Reason, Reply, _NewState} ->
 -+		    io_reply(From, ReplyAs, Reply),
 -+		    exit(Reason)
 -+	    end;
 -+	{'DOWN', Mref, _, _, Reason} ->
 -+	    exit(Reason);
 -+	_ ->
 -+	    server_loop(State)
 -+    end.
 -+file_reply(From, ReplyAs, Reply) ->
 -+    From ! {file_reply, ReplyAs, Reply}.
 -+io_reply(From, ReplyAs, Reply) ->
 -+    From ! {io_reply, ReplyAs, Reply}.
 -+%%% file requests
 -+	     #state{handle=Handle,buf=Buf,read_mode=ReadMode}=State) ->
 -+    case position(Handle, At, Buf) of
 -+	{ok,_Offs} ->
 -+	    case ?PRIM_FILE:read(Handle, Sz) of
 -+		{ok,Bin} when ReadMode==list ->
 -+		    std_reply({ok,binary_to_list(Bin)}, State);
 -+		Reply ->
 -+		    std_reply(Reply, State)
 -+	    end;
 -+	Reply ->
 -+	    std_reply(Reply, State)
 -+    end;
 -+	     #state{handle=Handle,buf=Buf}=State) ->
 -+    case position(Handle, At, Buf) of
 -+	{ok,_Offs} ->
 -+	    std_reply(?PRIM_FILE:write(Handle, Data), State);
 -+	Reply ->
 -+	    std_reply(Reply, State)
 -+    end;
 -+	     #state{handle=Handle}=State) ->
 -+    case ?PRIM_FILE:sync(Handle) of
 -+	{error,_}=Reply ->
 -+	    {stop,normal,Reply,State};
 -+	Reply ->
 -+	    {reply,Reply,State}
 -+    end;
 -+	     #state{handle=Handle}=State) ->
 -+    {stop,normal,?PRIM_FILE:close(Handle),State#state{buf= <<>>}};
 -+	     #state{handle=Handle,buf=Buf}=State) ->
 -+    std_reply(position(Handle, At, Buf), State);
 -+	     #state{handle=Handle}=State) ->
 -+    case ?PRIM_FILE:truncate(Handle) of
 -+	{error,_Reason}=Reply ->
 -+	    {stop,normal,Reply,State#state{buf= <<>>}};
 -+	Reply ->
 -+	    {reply,Reply,State}
 -+    end;
 -+	     #state{}=State) ->
 -+    Reason = {request, Unknown},
 -+    {error,{error,Reason},State}.
 -+std_reply({error,_}=Reply, State) ->
 -+    {error,Reply,State#state{buf= <<>>}};
 -+std_reply(Reply, State) ->
 -+    {reply,Reply,State#state{buf= <<>>}}.
 -+%%% I/O request 
 -+io_request({put_chars,Chars}, % binary(Chars) new in R9C
 -+	   #state{buf= <<>>}=State) ->
 -+    put_chars(Chars, State);
 -+io_request({put_chars,Chars}, % binary(Chars) new in R9C
 -+	   #state{handle=Handle,buf=Buf}=State) ->
 -+    case position(Handle, cur, Buf) of
 -+	{error,_}=Reply ->
 -+	    {stop,normal,Reply,State#state{buf= <<>>}};
 -+	_ ->
 -+	    put_chars(Chars, State#state{buf= <<>>})
 -+    end;
 -+	   #state{}=State) ->
 -+    case catch apply(Mod, Func, Args) of
 -+	Chars when list(Chars); binary(Chars) ->
 -+	    io_request({put_chars,Chars}, State);
 -+	_ ->
 -+	    {error,{error,Func},State}
 -+    end;
 -+	   #state{}=State) ->
 -+    get_chars(io_lib, get_until, {Mod, Func, XtraArgs}, State);
 -+io_request({get_chars,_Prompt,N}, % New in R9C
 -+	   #state{}=State) ->
 -+    get_chars(N, State);
 -+io_request({get_chars,_Prompt,Mod,Func,XtraArg}, % New in R9C
 -+	   #state{}=State) ->
 -+    get_chars(Mod, Func, XtraArg, State);
 -+io_request({get_line,_Prompt}, % New in R9C
 -+	   #state{}=State) ->
 -+    get_chars(io_lib, collect_line, [], State);
 -+io_request({setopts, Opts}, % New in R9C
 -+	   #state{}=State) when list(Opts) ->
 -+    setopts(Opts, State);
 -+	   #state{}=State) when list(Requests) ->
 -+    io_request_loop(Requests, {reply,ok,State});
 -+	   #state{}=State) ->
 -+    Reason = {request,Unknown},
 -+    {error,{error,Reason},State}.
 -+%% Process a list of requests as long as the results are ok.
 -+io_request_loop([], Result) ->
 -+    Result;
 -+		{stop,_Reason,_Reply,_State}=Result) ->
 -+    Result;
 -+		{error,_Reply,_State}=Result) ->
 -+    Result;
 -+		{reply,_Reply,State}) ->
 -+    io_request_loop(Tail, io_request(Request, State)).
 -+%% I/O request put_chars
 -+put_chars(Chars, #state{handle=Handle}=State) ->
 -+    case ?PRIM_FILE:write(Handle, Chars) of
 -+	{error,_}=Reply ->
 -+	    {stop,normal,Reply,State};
 -+	Reply ->
 -+	    {reply,Reply,State}
 -+    end.
 -+%% Process the I/O request get_chars
 -+get_chars(0, #state{read_mode=ReadMode}=State) ->
 -+    {reply,cast(<<>>, ReadMode),State};
 -+get_chars(N, #state{buf=Buf,read_mode=ReadMode}=State) 
 -+  when integer(N), N > 0, N =< size(Buf) ->
 -+    {B1,B2} = split_binary(Buf, N),
 -+    {reply,cast(B1, ReadMode),State#state{buf=B2}};
 -+get_chars(N, #state{handle=Handle,buf=Buf,read_mode=ReadMode}=State) 
 -+  when integer(N), N > 0 ->
 -+    BufSize = size(Buf),
 -+    NeedSize = N-BufSize,
 -+    Size = max(NeedSize, ?READ_SIZE_BINARY),
 -+    case ?PRIM_FILE:read(Handle, Size) of
 -+	{ok, B} ->
 -+	    if BufSize+size(B) < N ->
 -+		    std_reply(cat(Buf, B, ReadMode), State);
 -+	       true ->
 -+		    {B1,B2} = split_binary(B, NeedSize),
 -+		    {reply,cat(Buf, B1, ReadMode),State#state{buf=B2}}
 -+	    end;
 -+	eof when BufSize==0 ->
 -+	    {reply,eof,State};
 -+	eof ->
 -+	    std_reply(cast(Buf, ReadMode), State);
 -+	{error,Reason}=Error ->
 -+	    {stop,Reason,Error,State#state{buf= <<>>}}
 -+    end;
 -+get_chars(_N, #state{}=State) ->
 -+    {error,{error,get_chars},State}.
 -+get_chars(Mod, Func, XtraArg, #state{buf= <<>>}=State) ->
 -+    get_chars_empty(Mod, Func, XtraArg, start, State);
 -+get_chars(Mod, Func, XtraArg, #state{buf=Buf}=State) ->
 -+    get_chars_apply(Mod, Func, XtraArg, start, State#state{buf= <<>>}, Buf).
 -+get_chars_empty(Mod, Func, XtraArg, S, 
 -+		#state{handle=Handle,read_mode=ReadMode}=State) ->
 -+    case ?PRIM_FILE:read(Handle, read_size(ReadMode)) of
 -+	{ok,Bin} ->
 -+	    get_chars_apply(Mod, Func, XtraArg, S, State, Bin);
 -+	eof ->
 -+	    get_chars_apply(Mod, Func, XtraArg, S, State, eof);
 -+	{error,Reason}=Error ->
 -+	    {stop,Reason,Error,State}
 -+    end.
 -+get_chars_apply(Mod, Func, XtraArg, S0, 
 -+		#state{read_mode=ReadMode}=State, Data0) ->
 -+    Data1 = case ReadMode of
 -+	       list when binary(Data0) -> binary_to_list(Data0);
 -+	       _ -> Data0
 -+	    end,
 -+    case catch Mod:Func(S0, Data1, XtraArg) of
 -+	{stop,Result,Buf} ->
 -+	    {reply,Result,State#state{buf=cast_binary(Buf)}};
 -+	{'EXIT',Reason} ->
 -+	    {stop,Reason,{error,err_func(Mod, Func, XtraArg)},State};
 -+	S1 ->
 -+	    get_chars_empty(Mod, Func, XtraArg, S1, State)
 -+    end.
 -+%% Convert error code to make it look as before
 -+err_func(io_lib, get_until, {_,F,_}) ->
 -+    F;
 -+err_func(_, F, _) ->
 -+    F.
 -+%% Process the I/O request setopts
 -+%% setopts
 -+setopts(Opts0, State) ->
 -+    Opts = proplists:substitute_negations([{list,binary}], Opts0),
 -+    case proplists:get_value(binary, Opts) of
 -+	true ->
 -+	    {ok,ok,State#state{read_mode=binary}};
 -+	false ->
 -+	    {ok,ok,State#state{read_mode=list}};
 -+	_ ->
 -+	    {error,{error,badarg},State}
 -+    end.
 -+%% Concatenate two binaries and convert the result to list or binary
 -+cat(B1, B2, binary) ->
 -+    list_to_binary([B1,B2]);
 -+cat(B1, B2, list) ->
 -+    binary_to_list(B1)++binary_to_list(B2).
 -+%% Cast binary to list or binary
 -+cast(B, binary) ->
 -+    B;
 -+cast(B, list) ->
 -+    binary_to_list(B).
 -+%% Convert buffer to binary
 -+cast_binary(Binary) when binary(Binary) ->
 -+    Binary;
 -+cast_binary(List) when list(List) ->
 -+    list_to_binary(List);
 -+cast_binary(_EOF) ->
 -+    <<>>.
 -+%% Read size for different read modes
 -+read_size(binary) ->
 -+read_size(list) ->
 -+max(A, B) when A >= B ->
 -+    A;
 -+max(_, B) ->
 -+    B.
 -+%%% ?PRIM_FILE helpers
 -+%% Compensates ?PRIM_FILE:position/2 for the number of bytes 
 -+%% we have buffered
 -+position(Handle, cur, Buf) ->
 -+    position(Handle, {cur, 0}, Buf);
 -+position(Handle, {cur, Offs}, Buf) when list(Buf) ->
 -+    ?PRIM_FILE:position(Handle, {cur, Offs-length(Buf)});
 -+position(Handle, {cur, Offs}, Buf) when binary(Buf) ->
 -+    ?PRIM_FILE:position(Handle, {cur, Offs-size(Buf)});
 -+position(Handle, At, _Buf) ->
 -+    ?PRIM_FILE:position(Handle, At).
 diff -ruN /usr/ports/net-im/ejabberd/files/patch-src-Makefile.in ejabberd2/files/patch-src-Makefile.in
 --- /usr/ports/net-im/ejabberd/files/patch-src-Makefile.in	2009-03-16 09:38:32.000000000 +0100
 +++ ejabberd2/files/patch-src-Makefile.in	2009-12-12 23:02:56.000000000 +0100
 @@ -1,43 +1,72 @@
 ---- Makefile.in.orig	2009-01-14 12:54:15.000000000 +0300
 -+++ Makefile.in	2009-01-24 18:45:50.000000000 +0300
 -@@ -56,18 +56,18 @@
 +--- Makefile.in.orig	2009-11-06 19:53:19.000000000 +0000
 ++++ Makefile.in	2009-12-12 22:01:26.284098932 +0000
 +@@ -73,16 +73,16 @@
   BEAMS = $(SOURCES:.erl=.beam)
 --EJABBERDDIR = $(DESTDIR)@localstatedir@/lib/ejabberd
  +DESTDIR = @prefix@
 + # /etc/ejabberd/
 +-ETCDIR = $(DESTDIR)@sysconfdir@/ejabberd
 ++ETCDIR = $(DESTDIR)/etc/ejabberd
 + # /sbin/
 +-SBINDIR = $(DESTDIR)@sbindir@
 ++SBINDIR = @sbindir@
 + # /lib/ejabberd/
 +-EJABBERDDIR = $(DESTDIR)@libdir@/ejabberd
  +EJABBERDDIR = $(DESTDIR)/lib/erlang/lib/ejabberd-$(PORTVERSION)
 -+SPOOLDIR = /var/spool/ejabberd
 - SODIR = $(PRIVDIR)/lib
 + # /share/doc/ejabberd
 +@@ -108,13 +108,13 @@
   MSGSDIR = $(PRIVDIR)/msgs
 + # /var/lib/ejabberd/
 +-SPOOLDIR = $(DESTDIR)@localstatedir@/lib/ejabberd
 ++SPOOLDIR = /var/spool/ejabberd
 + # /var/lib/ejabberd/.erlang.cookie
 + COOKIEFILE = $(SPOOLDIR)/.erlang.cookie
 + # /var/log/ejabberd/
  -LOGDIR = $(DESTDIR)@localstatedir@/log/ejabberd
 --ETCDIR = $(DESTDIR)@sysconfdir@/ejabberd
 --SBINDIR = $(DESTDIR)@sbindir@
  +LOGDIR = /var/log/ejabberd
 -+ETCDIR = $(DESTDIR)/etc/ejabberd
 -+SBINDIR = @sbindir@
 - ifeq ($(shell uname),Darwin)
 - DYNAMIC_LIB_CFLAGS = -fPIC -bundle -flat_namespace -undefined suppress
 -@@ -122,10 +122,10 @@
 - 	install -d $(MSGSDIR)
 - 	install -m 644 msgs/*.msg $(MSGSDIR)
 - 	install -d -m 750 $(ETCDIR)
 --	[ -f $(ETCDIR)/ejabberd.cfg ] && install -b -m 644 ejabberd.cfg.example $(ETCDIR)/ejabberd.cfg-new || install -b -m 644 ejabberd.cfg.example $(ETCDIR)/ejabberd.cfg
 --	sed -e "s*@rootdir@*@prefix@*" -e "s*@erl@*@ERL@*" ejabberdctl.template > ejabberdctl.example
 --	[ -f $(ETCDIR)/ejabberdctl.cfg ] && install -b -m 644 ejabberdctl.cfg.example $(ETCDIR)/ejabberdctl.cfg-new || install -b -m 644 ejabberdctl.cfg.example $(ETCDIR)/ejabberdctl.cfg
 --	install -b -m 644 inetrc $(ETCDIR)/inetrc
 + # Assume Linux-style dynamic library flags
 + DYNAMIC_LIB_CFLAGS = -fpic -shared
 +@@ -168,25 +168,22 @@
 + 	#
 + 	# Configuration files
 + 	install -d -m 750 $(G_USER) $(ETCDIR)
 +-	[ -f $(ETCDIR)/ejabberd.cfg ] \
 +-		&& install -b -m 640 $(G_USER) ejabberd.cfg.example $(ETCDIR)/ejabberd.cfg-new \
 +-		|| install -b -m 640 $(G_USER) ejabberd.cfg.example $(ETCDIR)/ejabberd.cfg
  +	install -m 640 ejabberd.cfg.example $(ETCDIR)
 -+	sed -e "s*@rootdir@*@prefix@*" -e "s*@erl@*@ERL@*" -e "s*lib/erlang/lib/ejabberd*lib/erlang/lib/ejabberd-$(PORTVERSION)*" ejabberdctl.template > ejabberdctl.example
 + 	sed -e "s*@rootdir@*@prefix@*" \
 + 		-e "s*@installuser@*@INSTALLUSER@*" \
 + 		-e "s*@LIBDIR@*@libdir@*" \
 + 		-e "s*@SYSCONFDIR@*@sysconfdir@*" \
 + 		-e "s*@LOCALSTATEDIR@*@localstatedir@*" \
 + 		-e "s*@DOCDIR@*@docdir@*" \
 +-		-e "s*@erl@*@ERL@*" ejabberdctl.template \
 +-		> ejabberdctl.example
 +-	[ -f $(ETCDIR)/ejabberdctl.cfg ] \
 +-		&& install -b -m 640 $(G_USER) ejabberdctl.cfg.example $(ETCDIR)/ejabberdctl.cfg-new \
 +-		|| install -b -m 640 $(G_USER) ejabberdctl.cfg.example $(ETCDIR)/ejabberdctl.cfg
 +-	install -b -m 644 $(G_USER) inetrc $(ETCDIR)/inetrc
 ++		-e "s*@erl@*@ERL@*" \
 ++	       	-e "s*lib/erlang/lib/ejabberd*lib/erlang/lib/ejabberd-$(PORTVERSION)*" \
 ++	       	ejabberdctl.template > ejabberdctl.example
  +	install -m 640 ejabberdctl.cfg.example $(ETCDIR)
  +	install -m 640 inetrc $(ETCDIR)/inetrc.example
 - 	install -d $(SBINDIR)
 - 	install -m 755 ejabberdctl.example $(SBINDIR)/ejabberdctl
 - 	install -d -m 750 $(LOGDIR)
 + 	#
 + 	# Administration script
 + 	[ -d $(SBINDIR) ] || install -d -m 755 $(SBINDIR)
 +-	install -m 550 $(G_USER) ejabberdctl.example $(SBINDIR)/ejabberdctl
 ++	install -m 555 $(G_USER) ejabberdctl.example $(SBINDIR)/ejabberdctl
 + 	#
 + 	# Init script
 + 	sed -e "s*@ctlscriptpath@*$(SBINDIR)*" \
 diff -ruN /usr/ports/net-im/ejabberd/files/patch-src::configure ejabberd2/files/patch-src::configure
 --- /usr/ports/net-im/ejabberd/files/patch-src::configure	2006-04-25 19:48:48.000000000 +0200
 +++ ejabberd2/files/patch-src::configure	2009-12-12 22:23:41.000000000 +0100
 @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 ---- configure.orig	Sun Apr 23 16:06:17 2006
 -+++ configure	Tue Apr 25 07:15:42 2006
 -@@ -2471,7 +2471,7 @@
 +--- configure.orig	2009-12-12 21:18:47.855450146 +0000
 ++++ configure	2009-12-12 21:21:47.611091132 +0000
 +@@ -3169,7 +3169,7 @@
  -   if test "z$ERLC" = "z" || test "z$ERL" = "z"; then
  +   if test -z "$ERLC" || test -z "$ERL"; then
 -    		{ { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: erlang not found" >&5
 - echo "$as_me: error: erlang not found" >&2;}
 -    { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
 +    		as_fn_error "erlang not found" "$LINENO" 5
 +    fi
 diff -ruN /usr/ports/net-im/ejabberd/files/patch-src::ejabberdctl.template ejabberd2/files/patch-src::ejabberdctl.template
 --- /usr/ports/net-im/ejabberd/files/patch-src::ejabberdctl.template	2009-05-29 20:01:26.000000000 +0200
 +++ ejabberd2/files/patch-src::ejabberdctl.template	2009-12-12 22:36:27.000000000 +0100
 @@ -1,35 +1,28 @@
 ---- ejabberdctl.template.orig	2009-04-01 19:23:51.000000000 +0400
 -+++ ejabberdctl.template	2009-04-23 22:42:24.000000000 +0400
 -@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@
 - ERL=@erl@
 - ROOTDIR=@rootdir@
 - EJABBERD_CONFIG_PATH=$ROOTDIR/etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.cfg
 - # read custom configuration
 - CONFIG=$ROOTDIR/etc/ejabberd/ejabberdctl.cfg
 -@@ -43,16 +43,16 @@
 - # define additional environment variables
 - DATETIME=`date "+%Y%m%d-%H%M%S"`
 - ERL_INETRC=$ROOTDIR/etc/ejabberd/inetrc
 - # export global variables
 +--- ejabberdctl.template.orig	2009-12-12 21:23:49.192455441 +0000
 ++++ ejabberdctl.template	2009-12-12 21:35:11.121377666 +0000
 +@@ -43,10 +43,10 @@
 + fi
 + if [ "$LOGS_DIR" = "" ] ; then
 +-    LOGS_DIR=@LOCALSTATEDIR@/log/ejabberd
 ++    LOGS_DIR=/var/log/ejabberd
 + fi
 + if [ "$SPOOLDIR" = "" ] ; then
 +-    SPOOLDIR=@LOCALSTATEDIR@/lib/ejabberd
 ++    SPOOLDIR=/var/spool/ejabberd
 + fi
 + if [ "$EJABBERD_DOC_PATH" = "" ] ; then
 +@@ -86,10 +86,10 @@
 +     EJABBERDDIR=@LIBDIR@/ejabberd
 + fi
 + if [ "$EJABBERD_EBIN_PATH" = "" ]; then
 ++    EJABBERD_EBIN_PATH=@rootdir@/lib/erlang/lib/ejabberd/ebin
 + fi
 + if [ "$EJABBERD_PRIV_PATH" = "" ]; then
 ++    EJABBERD_PRIV_PATH=@rootdir@/lib/erlang/lib/ejabberd/priv
 + fi
 + if [ "$EJABBRD_BIN_PATH" = "" ]; then
 diff -ruN /usr/ports/net-im/ejabberd/pkg-plist ejabberd2/pkg-plist
 --- /usr/ports/net-im/ejabberd/pkg-plist	2009-07-29 10:26:52.000000000 +0200
 +++ ejabberd2/pkg-plist	2009-12-12 23:24:40.000000000 +0100
 @@ -114,17 +114,13 @@
 @@ -136,6 +132,46 @@
 @@ -144,6 +180,7 @@
 @@ -186,6 +223,7 @@
 @@ -195,5 +233,11 @@
  @dirrm lib/erlang/lib/%%PORTNAME%%-%%PORTVERSION%%/priv/lib
  @dirrm lib/erlang/lib/%%PORTNAME%%-%%PORTVERSION%%/priv/bin
  @dirrm lib/erlang/lib/%%PORTNAME%%-%%PORTVERSION%%/priv
 + at dirrm lib/erlang/lib/%%PORTNAME%%-%%PORTVERSION%%/include/mod_muc
 + at dirrm lib/erlang/lib/%%PORTNAME%%-%%PORTVERSION%%/include/eldap
 + at dirrm lib/erlang/lib/%%PORTNAME%%-%%PORTVERSION%%/include/mod_proxy65
 + at dirrm lib/erlang/lib/%%PORTNAME%%-%%PORTVERSION%%/include/web
 + at dirrm lib/erlang/lib/%%PORTNAME%%-%%PORTVERSION%%/include/mod_pubsub
 + at dirrm lib/erlang/lib/%%PORTNAME%%-%%PORTVERSION%%/include
  @dirrm lib/erlang/lib/%%PORTNAME%%-%%PORTVERSION%%/ebin
  @dirrm lib/erlang/lib/%%PORTNAME%%-%%PORTVERSION%%
 ----- End forwarded message -----

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