ports/144204: mail/mailagent is not compatible with perl 5.10

Yoshiaki Kasahara kasahara at nc.kyushu-u.ac.jp
Fri Apr 2 04:12:13 UTC 2010

Here is a patch.  At least it passes the internal tests and seems to
work in my environment.  Because there is no tarball provided from the
project page on SourceForge, I made a tarball by myself and put it on
my webserver for test purpose (without permission from the original
author yet).  I'm not sure if it is the right way to provide a
distfile (maybe not).

Also, the SVN revision is 65 but revision.h says 64 (it seems that
commiting revision.h incremented the revision number by one).  Users
might be confused, but I'm not sure if it is better to patch
revision.h locally or not.

pkg-plist seems fine without modification.
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