ports/131526: lang/cmucl: CMUCL for FreeBSD 7

cracauer at FreeBSD.org cracauer at FreeBSD.org
Fri Aug 7 18:46:46 UTC 2009

Synopsis: lang/cmucl: CMUCL for FreeBSD 7

State-Changed-From-To: open->closed
State-Changed-By: cracauer
State-Changed-When: Fri Aug 7 14:41:46 EDT 2009
We have discussed this on the CMUCL mailing list.

The situation is that since CMUCL is useless without providing
binaries in the first place, and those binaries have to be provided on
cons.org, that we don't want a highly developed FreeBSD port that
needs separate maintenance.

Some people were in favor of actively deleting the FreeBSD port, which
I don't agree to.

But the consensus is that providing a common binary that runs on all
FreeBSD versions is the right thing to do.  Everybody who wants more
from CMUCL will have to dig deeper and visit cons.org anyway.  But the
common binary provided by the port will be enough for pretty much all
Common Lisp tasks, in particular for third party software requiring
CMUCL, or homework assignments asked to be completed using CMUCL.

In summary: we decided to leave a simple port that installs one binary
that runs on all FreeBSD versions, and not complicate the port.


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