ports/127161: [PATCH] sysutils/duplicity: update to 0.5.00

Peter Schuller peter.schuller at infidyne.com
Sat Sep 6 23:11:39 UTC 2008

I forgot to include the upstream changelog:

New in v0.5.00 (2008/09/06)
Changes to unit tests:
  - resolve circular imports after backend reorg
  - resolve exception error import - now in errors.py
  - remove need for temp2.tar to be in CVS repository

bug #23988: scp destination fails if no username is specified

bug #23985: --no-encryption option does not work in 0.4.12

patch #6623: slightly augment tempdir cleanup logging

patch #6596: re-organize backend module structure

patch #6589: S3 european bucket support

patch #6353: Concurrency for volume encryption and upload.

/ Peter Schuller

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