ports/126059: [PATCH] mail/dovecot-managesieve

Beech Rintoul beech at freebsd.org
Tue Jul 29 21:06:44 UTC 2008

On Tuesday 29 July 2008, Robin Breathe said:
> The following reply was made to PR ports/126059; it has been noted
> by GNATS.
> From: "Robin Breathe" <robin at isometry.net>
> To: bug-followup at freebsd.org
> Cc: Yarema <yds at coolrat.org>, "Geoffroy Desvernay"
> <dgeo at ec-marseille.fr> Subject: Re: ports/126059: [PATCH]
> mail/dovecot-managesieve Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2008 21:38:19 +0100
>  I've just received a message from the maintainer indicating that
> he will be unavailable until August 25th.
>  Could we please assume a maintainer timeout, and get this
> committed (with ports/126054), given that the current port is
> broken?
>  Regards,
>  Robin (maintainer of mail/dovecot)

So, can I take this to mean that 126054 is approved? I haven't 
received any response on it.


Beech Rintoul - FreeBSD Developer - beech at FreeBSD.org
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