still can't write on SciTE text editor

gesar at gesar at
Mon Mar 26 10:03:24 UTC 2007

It's a long time that the SciTE v. 1.71 installed from the ports doesn't work on my FreeBSD-6.2-STABLE.
I can't write on the text zone except the enter key. I can pasting texts from another editor, but I can't modify nothing (I can just delete the words). I able to open other files but I can't modify them.
I've already submitted this bug over Sourceforge
The developer 'nyamatongwe' (Date: 2006-10-28 16:16) told: "You could try commenting out the line with //TRANSLIT in scintilla/gtk/Converter.h and rebuilding".
I tried to find the Translit in the scintilla/gtk/Converter.h, but
didn't find any matching line that I could comment out.
I still have the old version installed (scintilla-1.62_2                    <   needs updating (port has 1.72)
scite-1.62_2                        <   needs updating (port has 1.71_3))
and this version work properly.
Still 'nyamatongwe' (Date: 2006-12-21 14:36) talking about a 'iconv' problem in a SunOS (sparc architecture): then the thread was closed.
At all, the SciTE still doesn't work.
any ideas?

Marco <gesar>

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