ports/94073: [NEW PORTS] x11-toolkits/libsmokeqt, x11-toolkits/libsmokekde: Introspective Qt/KDE wrappers for bindings

Martin Wilke miwi at FreeBSD.org
Fri Apr 20 22:35:38 UTC 2007

Synopsis: [NEW PORTS] x11-toolkits/libsmokeqt, x11-toolkits/libsmokekde: Introspective Qt/KDE wrappers for bindings

State-Changed-From-To: feedback->closed
State-Changed-By: miwi
State-Changed-When: Fri Apr 20 22:32:13 UTC 2007
Feedback timeout.

Your submit is about one year old. Please feel free to submit a
follow-up for this PR ticket if you can come up with a solution.



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