Submitted PRs missing

Mark Linimon linimon at
Thu Mar 16 19:52:05 UTC 2006

On Thu, Mar 16, 2006 at 11:43:52AM +0100, Udo Schweigert wrote:
> a couple of hours ago I submitted three PRs (for security/nessus-*,
> security/nessus-*-devel, and mail/mutt-devel) using send-pr. None of them
> made it to gnats or showed up here.
> For one of them (but I do not know which) I got a "spam detection
> notification" telling me that I should submit my PR via the web-interface
> (which will break the patches to be submitted) or posting it to freebsd-bugs.

There was some kind of failure yesterday which resulted in a large number
of false positives.

There are still 10 PRs in the queue that Ceri or I will have to rescue out
of there.  (I may not be able to do this until this evening, USA time.)

The way things work, there is a spamassassin trap that I generally try to
clean out once a day.  I tweaked the ruleset about 3 months ago and it is
*much* better at preventing bogus PRs from being created.  So far it has
run about one false positive a month, including PRs over the 500k limit.
This is with catching about 3x as many bogus things as we did before.

After that PRs are assigned to 'pending' if they look bogus to GNATS.
These are evenly split between spams that make it through the ruleset,
but which are recognized as invalid PR formatting, and PRs where people
reply to the initial PR Subject: line (the one without the 'category/number'
prefix), or where their mailer mangles the contents, generally by using
printed-quotable.  The latter we try to rescue, when feasible.  There are
around 5-10 of these on an average day.

In general if you do not see a response from GNATS within a few hours,
you should go ahead and send email to bugmaster at so that we
can determine what's up.  But note that these queues are only checked
once or twice a day.

Finally, if your email address does not reverse resolve, GNATS will
never see the report, because hub refuses email from addresses that do
not reverse resolve on the theory that 99.99% of them are from botnets.


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