ports/93322: New port: java/jakarta-commons-io a library of io utilities

Herve Quiroz hq at FreeBSD.org
Tue Feb 14 10:19:16 UTC 2006

Synopsis: New port: java/jakarta-commons-io a library of io utilities

State-Changed-From-To: open->feedback
State-Changed-By: hq
State-Changed-When: Tue Feb 14 10:13:48 UTC 2006
There are a couple of improvements to be applied:

- The header says commons-dbutils
- If the ports sets USE_ANT, then there is no need to register a dependency on
- "-cp <jar-file>" should be passed to Ant through MAKE_ARGS
- According to the porter's handbook, 'java' category should not be the main
  category of a new port, save for ports that are directly related to the Java
  platform (which is not the case here). I suggest the port goes to the 'devel'
  category instead.

Responsible-Changed-From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->hq
Responsible-Changed-By: hq
Responsible-Changed-When: Tue Feb 14 10:13:48 UTC 2006
I'll handle this.


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