ports/88567: math/cln: build fails with an older version installed

Kay Lehmann kay_lehmann at web.de
Sun Nov 6 18:10:31 UTC 2005

>Number:         88567
>Category:       ports
>Synopsis:       math/cln: build fails with an older version installed
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       high
>Responsible:    freebsd-ports-bugs
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Sun Nov 06 18:10:28 GMT 2005
>Originator:     Kay Lehmann
>Release:        5.4-STABLE
FreeBSD bippes.finkenkrug.ev 5.4-STABLE FreeBSD 5.4-STABLE #15: Fri Oct 14 22:23:11 CEST 2005     root at bippes.finkenkrug.ev:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/bippes  i386
math/cln does not compile when an older version is installed (portupgrade is failing). This is because it looks first in /usr/local/include before using it's own include in $WRKDIR. So it finds necessary headerfiles which were installed by the older version. Since some definitions have changed the compilation stops.

install version 1.1.9 and try to compile the new version 1.1.10
I think best would be to include a comment in UPDATING. math/cln has to deinstalled BEFORE building.


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