ports/89619: [PATCH] japanese/eb: New version 4.2.2 is released

KIMURA Yasuhiro yasu at utahime.org
Sat Dec 10 12:34:12 UTC 2005

Dear Edwin and Ports Management Team,

About 2 weeks are passed but there seems no response from maintainer,
so would you please commit the patch?

And I have one more request. I have sent PRs several times about the
ports maintained by this maintainer. But resently (about 2 years or
so) there have been no answer from maintainer and PRs have been
commited with timeout. So if possible, would you please reset
maintainer of following ports? Then I will take maintainership on some
of them.

japanese/eb3 (This port is obsolete and not used by any other ports,
              so it may be preferrable to simply removing it)

Best Regards.

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